
My 4yo son,is being aggressive at school, pushing, hitting and not socializing very well?

by  |  earlier

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his father is away training for deployment and I am not sure how I can help my son behave better, he is the youngest in his class and I feel he is not coping with the whole social aspect of school, he is an only child and I want him desperately to enjoy school and behave well, any ideas?




  1. Just set him aside and talk to him about it, as long as your calm and understanding he should tell you what's wrong.

  2. being only four he may not be ready for school. id take him out and send him back to kinder for the year. schools can be a bit full on and my daughter would not have handled it at four.

  3. Push him around, hit him(not hard obviously), but let him know how it feels. Let him know that he won't make friends that way. That's no way to behave at school. Maybe start a rewards program where everyday that he's nice to the kids at school he earns his way towards something. Just a thought. I hope it helps.

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