
My 4yr old girl won't p**p on the potty?

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Starting @ 2.5yrs she decided she wanted to potty train. She is very verbal. By 3 she was urine trained, mostly but would not p**p on the potty. After a year of trials and trying every chart, incentive and bribe we could find we took her to the Dr. and found out she had chronic constipation and really was having accidents, not just being strong willed or defiant. When she was 3 we had another baby and as she was not trained did not regress. Well we were given a Rx to help with the constipation and she was very excited that it didn't hurt to p**p anymore but has now 2 weeks later she doesn't want to use the toilet anymore and is having "accidents" 4 to 5 times a day. She says she wants to be little like her sister and will even go as far as saying she doesn't want to eat because she wants to stay a little girl. Please if anyone has any ideas let me know. She is almost 40" tall and only weighs 27lbs. The pediatrician has assured me she is not too small, but I'm not buying it.




  1. 3 foot 6 and 27lbs?

    thats TOO small

    so tell her she is supposed to get bigger, its natural...

    as for the pooping... i would say do the old reward when they do it...

    which question actually were u asking??

  2. Wow!  You have a lot on your plate, and so does your little girl!

    Check out this article.  It was pretty elucidating for me, and I am potty training my two year old son (just started):

    Also, remember to relax.  Your daughter can sense when you are frustrated.  And congratulate her when she goes, but don't overdo it, because that freaks some kids out.

    Also, you could do what we did with older kids (who had many behavior issues).  We made the potty a comfy place, by adding pictures they had drawn and books, and a radio in the hallway outside.  We had behavior plans in which they had to sit for ten minutes twice a day, or until they pooped.  If they were able to sit, they received a sticker, so many stickers equaled a prize.  They don't have to go to get the prize, just sit, so there is no pressure.  

    Good luck!  And no child graduates from high school still pottying in their pants, so remember IT WILL HAPPEN!  

    Good luck!

  3. My son was easy but my nephew was complicated. Prizes do not always work. What worked for my nephew was reading potty books to him and telling him all the cool things big boys do. The more we taught him about being a big boy the more he wanted to be a big boy. I got the most help with him by taking him to daycare for a month and letting him be around more kids his age. He wanted to do the things they did! I explained to him that he had to p**p in the potty and not is pants because if he didn't his friends wouldn't want to play with him because it was nasty!!!.  The potty training elmo helped a little also. Kids know when they are ready to do things. We may not like it, but they are not ready until they are ready. I also agree with letting her help with the baby!! If you make her the big girl she will want to be the big girl. Show her how boring being a baby is! The toys they play with and they sleep most of the time. Being a big girl is fun.  

  4. These are common problems with kids usually because they are afraid of the potty. I got online with my kids and we browsed the web and I bought the wooden potty that they choose themselves, this made it easier for me since they weren’t afraid of it. I recommend that you also search the web with your girl and let her choose one she feels comfortable with. Here is a link that I recommend you to start with.

  5. It's normal that she wants to stay the baby, but you have to tell her she's your big girl now and keep trying, and letting her help a little with the baby might help her realize that she is a big girl now. Most of all be patient.

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