
My 4yr old has an addiction to bandaids, for every little minor scratch and blemish. Anybody experience this?

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He cries non stop for one, he's fascinated by them, they rule his world. lol, its so funny to watch.




  1. yep, its just a phase.  my sister was horrible about it when she was little, she went in the bathroom one day when she was about 4 and when she came out she said, look mommy i fixed it!.., mom turned around and looked and she had put bandaids on her butt crack  lol  i guess she thought it was cracked and needed fixed  lol

  2. Hahaha.. Every kid does this. My son at 6 does this even today. If there is no bandaid, he uses cello tapes. Haha...

    Its part of the life and game. Another meaning of such acts is, they demand for more attention and want to be more special. Cool, you have a sweet kid.

  3. LOL, too cute! I think at this age, bandaids cure almost anything. I only wish it worked when we got older!

  4. Try giving him a damp towel or something in place of one. It's probably just a stage, so don't fret.

    When I was little I stuck ban-aids all over my dog, si I had the same thing almost!

  5. stock up on the cheap character band-aids, and let him use them. my 8 year old daughter still thinks she needs a bandaid on every scratch or pain. I have tried telling her she doesn't need one unless I see dripping blood, but she just sneaks them. I do have  a stash of plain bandaids in case I need them.

  6. I did that.. My mom used to have them in a box with a lock on them... She said I was to only use them "for very bad boo-boo's" I think it's because they are like stickers but don't come off as easy. Try buying a huge roll of stickers and every time he gets a small mark give him a sticker for being brave. Maybe then he will start to play with the stickers more. Plus stickers are a lot cheaper then band aids.

  7. my mom says i was like that. it was all ways, can i have a bamberoo? for nothing. its totally normal

  8. I think most kids do that. My 3 year old will but it on a black and blue but when she is bleeding she is afraid to put it on.

  9. Yes lol my mom tells me stories all the time about how I would go through a box a day of bandaids lol and my boys are almost as bad.

  10. My 6 year old still has the same fascination. It seemed every time I bought a box of character band aids that she suddenly had "wounds" that needed immediate attention. She would have 4-5 band aids on her body at all times.

    Once I started buying "standard" band aids her interest subsided.

    I had to remind her that I cared about her bo-bo's but the band aids weren't stickers for her body.

    Once the colorful, character band aids were gone, so were most of her bo-bos.

    It's a phase. He will grow out of it.

  11. never experienced this but I agree with the other person, just stock

  12. A lot of kids like band aids.  Sometimes its because they have cute pictures on them.  I say have fun!!  I worked at a daycare and when we would talk about going to the doctor or getting hurt I would put a band aid on each one of them and talk about having to put it on when we get hurt to cover up an "ouchy."

    If you want him to stop though just tell him that if it isn't bleeding you don't need one.  If you just don't give it to him and let him get mad-he will get over it eventually.

  13. I tell my kids if they haven't severed a limb or flange don't come crying to me.

    I want to see blood before I waste a band-aid on a scratch. I tell my boys to suck it up.

    I know!! I'm just such a horrible mom!! ( Insert sarcasm here)

    Make your son give you a nickle everytime he "needs" a bandaid.

  14. No is a perfectly good word.

    I don't apply chemicals to my kids' skin (and the glue on those things is a chemical) unless they actually need them.

  15. My son did the same thing. Just stock up on them. It's a phase so enjoy it while it lasts.

  16. YESYESYESYES!! My 2 yr old boy is that way. He gets the tiniest scratch,bump, or "boo boo" he has to have a bandaid. Drives me nuts at times lol.

  17. My 4 yr old girl does. But 99% of the time there is nothing there at all and she still says"I need a banplayed for my cut"

    She prefers the Dora bandaids...I never leave a store without finding a box in the cart.

  18. It's a phase that most little ones must go through.  You stock up but there will come a point that you just tell them that if there is no blood then there is no bandaid.  You decide when enough is enough with the bandaid craze.  Just pick you battle wisely.

  19. its a phase that never goes away.  trust me!  lol

  20. Yep.  2 kids of my own, two times thru the need for bandaids.  Now, 2 grandkids, twice more thru the bandaid kick.

    The youngest is 9.  She wants antibiotic ointment and a bandaid, even if her boo boo is the size of a pinhead.

  21. Yes, both of mine went through this phase, and it can be amusing to see what they dream up that needs to have a bandaid.  My solution was to tell them that they each got one a day, and to choose when it would be used wisely.  They wouldn't want it right away, just in case they got a "real" booboo.  It solved the problem.

  22. swat him on the rear and tell him "No." all litttle kids get fascinated by bandaids. You just have to tell him no. My mom did.

  23. it'll pass, especially if you don't get the decorated ones for kids. Of course, giving him a box full as a present some rainy day might be really funny to watch.

  24. It's pretty common, I work at a daycare and anytime one of the 3-4 year olds hurt themselves at all, even if we can't see a mark, they come running "I need a bandaid!" ... usually, we just give them a bandaid - it's a phase that they'll grow out of.

  25. I was like that when I was 4. Even if I bruised my knee or something, I'd want a bandaid over the bruise! To me, the bandaid was an owie-fixer... and owies ranged from open wounds to a sore finger. It's a phase =)

  26. i have had to have b-12 shots everyday for the last week and my little girl has got into the bandaid stage and she is not even three today she came out with almost a whole box of bandages and was sticking them every were and she even brings up little scratches from months back to get bandaids

    also you can think of it this way go to walmart a cheap toy

  27. yes i too live in  your world. it can be handy to use them as a reward rather than to fix boo boos.

  28. Kids quirks are cute! Let it be! I loved putting band aides across the bridge of my nose when I was little!

  29. My 5 yr old is still a little like that and my 2 yr old is exactly like that. She even thinks she needs one when she sees you put one on.

  30. When my older daughter was 4-5 she had the same fascination with bandaids. Just learned to stock up and keep some adult bandaids for myself, unless I was in a s****. doo sort of mood.

    My youngest, now 4, on the other hand, has always despised bandaids. As soon as she gets hurt, the first words uttered are not about the pain of her cut or scrape, but "No Bandaid!"

    I guess the universe does maintain a bizarre balance!?

  31. My 4 year old would put one on things that weren't there if I let her. I just tell her it is not something that needs a band aid it will get better with out it. just tell him if it isnt bleeding it don't really need one. Most the time one of the two works with her.

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