
My 4yr old son's favorite show is Angelina Ballerina, is he g*y?

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he also likes to wear Spandex.




  1. What's wrong with Spandex?

  2. You're GCG's dad?

  3. At the age of 4 they are not old enough yet to understand the difference between genders items or gender feelings. Actually, he is just very talented with using resouces he has around him for making play time all that it can be.

    He sounds like he is milking it subcounciously because he is planning on being a jock in a few years. I've seen it a hundred times or more, and trust me, he is going to be pretty darn manly. You can start teaching him the difference between male and female items but he may be 12 before he fully understands it.

  4. No but you are.

  5. No!!! Does he have a sister? My son(3) is always in my daughter's(7) room watching tv. His favorite show is iCarley. He isn't g*y and neither is your son. It's normal for kids to like any kind of shows. H'll grow out of it as he gets older. My son watches Basketball and wrestling (on his own, in his room)...

  6. He's four! Give him a break. You don't see parents wondering whether if their four year old daughter who enjoys 'Power Rangers' and 'Bob the Builder' is a L*****n - it should be no different for your son! He is too young, no where near puberty, to know anything about his sexuality.

    So, from what you've said - you can not draw those kind of conclusions due to his current age.

  7. First off, he is 4 so he will only watch shows and wear clothes that you let him wear. You need to be a parent and be snd be more concerned with your childs nutrtion and things of that nature, than his sexuality. He will be who he will be reguardless.

  8. Just keep telling yourself that the ballet he's learning from watching that cartoon will limber him up for his very successful high school football career.

  9. As long as he doesn't want to be a ballerina for Halloween or anything. If he starts watching the Wiggles, you may have a problem

  10. No, alot of little boys like to play with Barbies and watch girls T.V shows but it doesn't make them g*y.

  11. No.  Its awesome he has female rolemodels. Even if they are in cartoon.

  12. that's so cute.

    GCG wears spandex and I'm fairly sure he's hetero.

  13. No, he is not g*y. Children that are young like him are interested in all types of shows. My 4 year old brother watches some "girly" shows, doesn't mean he's g*y.

  14. My brother is g*y. Let's just say that when he finally "came out" nobody was surprised. We all knew from the time he was a little kid. He would play restuaurant instead of GI Joes, dance instead of play soccer or sports, etc.

    Not saying your son is g*y, but what if he is? So what. And where on earth does a 4 year old get spandex?

  15. A four year old can't be g*y. It's just a phase, he'll get over it.

  16. Oh for the love of Pete.... <sigh>

    Liking. Dancing. Is. Not. A. Sign. Of. Being. g*y.

    He may be his generation's Baryishnikov, (who is most CERTAINLY not g*y), but you won't know that for a while, and you won't have any control over it anyway.

  17. No.

  18. that is a childs he likes looking at pretty "girls" or has alreasy figured out the pretty girls will like him and want to play with him if he watches what they like.  or he just enjoys a show made for young children...that is who the show was made for...i am sure there are other shows that he likes aswell.

    now as for the spandex....kinda like superman, batman, spiderman...they all seem pretty manly to me.  don't like the spandex thing get in the appereance of his favorite super hero, so he is wearing spandex, but is playing spiderman...not at all girly.

    and none of this means he is g*y...and if he was would it really matter..wouldn't you still love him, would you still care for him?  

    Really dad there is absolutley nothing wrong.....he is still your little man!

  19. Really? Boys and girls do not have to watch only "Boy" shows or "girl" shows. I work with kids, and when they play dress up, most of the boys will put on a dress. It is just exploring and learning about their environment! You should not worry about if he is g*y or not. I would be worried of he only chose things that were " for boys" . Let him grow and learn however he wants. He will be a better person for it.

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