
My 5-1/2 month old son never poops and pees very little while asleep...Is this normal or common?

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I guess it's been this way since he was about 3-1/2 to 4 months. I notice that he doesn't p**p in his sleep. He has to fully wake up to p**p. In the morning, after 9 hours of sleep, he sometimes has no pee and if he does, it's very little. Has anyone else noticed this in their baby?




  1. If he's not being fed during the night that is totally normal.  My 5 month old rarely poops during the night.  (It's so nice not having to change his diaper and wake him up.)  

  2. take him/her to the dr. not normal, see all what we eat must come out.

  3. Yes, my little one doesn't p**p or pee while asleep either. I think I first noticed that when she was about two month old, when I wanted to change her after a nap and found the diaper completely dry.

  4. Idoubt that is any thing but to be on the bright side you can just call your doctor or pediatrician. You can ask to talk to the pediatrician. They might say that he is not avaible so just say that it is an emergency and they should get the doctor right away. Hope this helps you out. GOOD LUCK!!!!

  5. My 5 month old poops first thing in the morning, but not until she's fully awake.

  6. My son is almost 5 months and does the same... Never poops in his sleep as he must hate the feeling of being in p**p and wants it changed straight away.... and there's  been many a morning when he's woken up with an almost dry nappy... but i wouldn't be worried as my daughter was exactly the same and she's a healthy 2 yr old now!!!

  7. Well I dont know that many babies that p**p while they are asleep. Every baby is different if you are worried i would check with the pedi to make sure everything is alright

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