
My 5-month old Shih Tzu puppy drinks her pee and eats her poo?

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Why does she do that? Will she outgrow it? And what can I possibly do to make her stop.




  1. Ask the vet for this power you sprinkle in their food, It makes the poo taste all bad. If they still eat it quickly clean up the poo and say "no". Most dogs will eat their poo, but it's still a problem. There even might be something in her diet thats making the urine/poo taste good... Dogs have weird taste buds. It's normal, but if you don't like it go to the vet and ask them how to make them stop faster. Some causes are early seperation from their mother because their moms teach them pretty much everything. Good luck with your problem and I hope you solve it soon!

  2. try feeding it food

  3. take it the vet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and when you catch her doing this give her a correction if not give an her a good nose rubbing in the poo maybe shes not getting enough water as she should have a constant suply of it and maybe your under feeding her the nutrition needed in the diet or she very likely has WORMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! the vet will sort this uot for you  

  4. Poor little thing.  Watch her well enough to remove her from the "mess" BEFORE she can eat/drink it!

    Give her something ELSE to OCCUPY her time - she is possibly bored and lonley.

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