
My 5 month old kitten is sick-What do I do?

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My 5 month old kitten got taken to the Humane Society in Longmont, Colorado and paid 145.00 to get her out of the d**n place and now she is sick What do I do? Is there anything I can give her over the counter? Her symptoms are runny nose, sneezing, coughing, she may have a low grade temperature-she is eating and drinking. Not her usual playful self-sleeping--will follow me (mama) around though no matter where I'am for some lovin' Please anyone out there help me. Thanks Crystal




  1. i cant really do anything but i think you should go to the vet. my cat died from it because she wasnt able to breathe. i really hope your cat feels better. be nice to her and pet her and love her. thats the best thing your cat can have for now.  

  2. take her to the vet to see if everything is ok, but i think its a kitty cold, good luck!

  3. she has an upper respitory infection. You need to get her the vet pretty soon. In the meantime love her, but also if she gets really stuffed up put the shower on and bring her into the room. It should clear up her sineses for the time being. Also put warm water on a cotton ball and wipe  her face down with it, this will clear any mucus our of her eyes and nose. Someone even said use a teabag, but i don't think that sounds safe. You can't give her anything unless you ask the vet. If she stops eating or drinking you will need to keep her hydrated w/ a eye droper or spoon and water (or chicken broth works too). If she has a fever she needs to see the vet.

  4. Sounds like she may have caught a upper respiratory infection. If she has a fever, she should see a Vet. Sometimes URI's are viral and need to run their course, other times they are bacterial and require a round of antibiotics. Colored nasal and/or eye discharge is a tell tale sign of a infection which will definitely require a Vet trip

  5. NEVER give anything to an animal otc, without discussing it with a vet first. it sounds like she has upper respitory virus and will need to be treated with an antibiotic and some ointment for her eyes.  the med really isnt that expensive, but unfortunately when you adopted her you took the responsibility of keeping her healthy. call the vet asap, and get her well again, so that you can enjoy your new kitty

  6. has she been in for her shots, deworming, and so on yet? id recommend doing that, and while your there have them check out the symptoms shes experiencing.  my cat did that when she was a baby, shes now 15, and named sneezer :D

  7. More than likely it's an Upper Respiratory Infection, which are rampant in Humane Associations, and she needs to see a vet as it can be fatal. Call the Humane Society and see if they'll fill a vet prescription for you if it's an URI. Then you take her to a vet and if it's URI you get the prescription (not the meds) and take it to the HS. Or you can just pay out of pocket and take your kitten to the vet and get the antibiotics. Either way, she'll need to see a vet.

    Edit: If it helps, my 4 month old shelter kitten was put on antibiotics to prevent him from developing an URI. It only cost about $30.

  8. Bin it! Get a new one

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