
My 5 month old son cries out so loud, is somebody in the same situation?

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I know what you may think, that probably he is hungry, wet, tired, etc... and the answer is no, he seems to be demanding for me to put back the pacifier or just to be with him; I understand that maybe he got used to be with me and dad almost all of the time, however the crying is like if he was suffering a very bad thing; and I just pick him up and he even smiles. Is he just very intense? .




  1. yep my 5 month old does the same exact thing he will cry loud and hard and then i pick him up and its like nothing happwned lol

  2. Don't pick him up when he is acting like that, it will only encourage him because he will get what he wants. If you suffer short term (by not giving in) then it will pay off long term! My daughter was the same way around 5 or 5 1/2 months old, I would go over and soothe her but not pick her up. I made sure she was not wet/poopy, hungry, itchy, tired, overstimulated etc, and made sure she had a few little toys/binky etc and the true test to know was that she would instantly be smiling when I picked her up and totally fine. If nothing was wrong and she just wanted held I would not pick her up. I would talk to her, try to distract her with different toys etc, but not pick her up. I would lay on the floor with her for a couple minutes playing with her toys with her, then get up and go back to what I was doing - then she would cry. I would talk to her while I was cleaning or whatever, and she loved it when I would sing to her (even though I can't sing!), then every few minutes I would go back to her again (without picking her up) I would let this go on until she stopped crying (sometimes 1/2 hour! - she's stubborn!). As soon as she was pre-occupied and not crying I would go over and pick her up and play with her for a few minutes, then put her down and do the same thing all over again. Over time (every baby is different) she learned how to pre-occupy her\self and not need to be stimulated/entertained by me constantly. It is so nice now, she is 7 1/2 months old and will play in her crib for 30-45 minutes before crying in the morning or when she wakes from her nap, she plays on the floor for hours without needing my attention at all (although I give it to her, she's far to cute to not! haha) but I don't have to, and that's the whole point.

    Good luck to you, it was a lot of work and attention in the beginning, but it worked for me, and my friend who gave me the advice had to do the same thing and it worked for her son.

    Hope this helps!!!

    Toni Lynne   =)

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