
My 5 month old son had his shots yesterday and he is teething?

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what can i do to help the pain other than Motrin and Tylenol. he is so miserable. any advice would be great thanks




  1. Some times the shot area will cause cramps.  

    You can try putting a warm wash cloth over the shot site and see if that soothes at all.  

    Another thing you can try for the teething is a cold washcloth for him to chew on.  A frozen carrot always did wonders for my daughter also.  You can buy some teething tablets...those are pretty inexpensive and they are all natural and work pretty good.  Orajel on the gums also can help.

    Hope that helps alittle..poor little guy!

  2. The shots r the worst!! just a nice warm bath. and for the teething i WOULDN'T use oraljel it tingles and burns the throat. i would just let your baby suck on a ice cube. You can buy the little pouches to put fresh fruit in. Use that and put a ice cube in it

  3. Of all the things you can do to ease his pain; medication, sucking on a cold washcloth, being careful not to bump his injection site, etc. - remember that, if you are stressed, it will not help him OR you.  Try to remain calm, relax YOUR body as you hold and comfort him in a soothing voice and try not to get agitated from his crying.  He's crying 'cause it hurts.  There are a lot of times in his life that he will hurt. Being a mom or dad  who doesn't freak out is one of the best things you can be for your child. (I'm not saying that you're freaking out...)  He will gravitate to your strength and learn that's what he can count on from you.  The pain WILL pass.

    Best wishes to you both.

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