
My 5 months old baby boy has what appears to be a boil near his a**s...I was wondering what I can do to help?

by  |  earlier

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I was also wondering what or how he could have got this? I make sure to change his diaper often and bathe him everyday. I am very clean, especially when it comes to all his stuff. So I don't really know what I could have done wrong?




  1.    If your baby has a boil down there it's very important to take him to the doctors asap! When my now 11 year old son, was 8 months old, I thought he had a "boil" on the inside of hbuttocktox and when I took him to the doctors the next day I found out it was a spider bite that was filling with "puss" and it caused an infection in his blood they had to slice open the "boil" and pack medicated gauze in the hole to suck out the poison. After a week or so he was fine , but don't just assume it's something little he's a little baby who can't tell you what's really wrong, so treat him like tpreciousous little boy he is and get him into the E.R. doctors asap...The sooner the better!

       I'm not trying to freak you out but I know from personal experience that overly precautious is WAY better than waiting for it to go away!

                       Best Wishes,  Alycia D.

  2. something like that can be very very painful. he needs to see his doctor. my main concern was that it wasnt a boil but an abcess from an internal infection. MRSA casues infections which can look liek aboil. does he go to daycare?

    its very possible to pick it up at daycare. i see cases of it way too often in small children.

    etiher way he needs to be seen by his doctor soon.

  3. youve not done anything wrong. id ask your dr though, he'll be able to advise what may have caused it and how to treat it.

  4. Oh... Poor baby! Ive read some of your answers... that's scary. I hope you get him to a Dr soon. The lady that mentioned MRSA, that's not good if its that. Its a staff infection. My brother in law has it right now. He gave it to his kids and it spread on him like crazy. Hope your little one gets better soon!  

  5. Have you had him to the Dr yet?  Is he in pain?  There are a couple of other things that can resemble a boil, but aren't.  If it is, you have to wait it out, using hot compresses can help bring it to a head, but with him just warm, obviously.

    If he is in pain, you can go to a health food store and purchase a natural, topical anesthetic to numb it.

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