
My 5 y/o nephew has a violent streak?

by  |  earlier

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ok, so, my nephew is very smart, and at times (rarely) can be sweet, but, I think theres something very wrong with him. No matter what ANYONE tells him what to do when hes doing something he shoulnt be, he does it anyway while looking at u with a smile on his face. Discipline DOES NOT work, he just laughs at u, time outs become violent tantrums, and if you watch him, you see the look in his eye that hes about to hurt thing u know, someone is very hurt, my 2 y/o gets that wrath of it all and im scared to leave him alone with my nephew,he's choked him, pulled his pants down and drug his bare butt across gravel, hits him, he even hits his mom. Hes loud, and obnoxious and cant sit for even a second. My sister is afraid to tell a Doctor because theyll tell her nothings wrong BUT i think something is very wrong and when i mention it, I get yelled at..any professional advice out there?




  1. my advice is to get this nipped in the bud now before he gets used to acting that way

    as he gets older it will only get worse

    the bigger he is the easier it is for him to hurt others

    and your son seems to be his main target

    you need to tell your sister that if she doesn't get him checked your son will not be allowed to play with his cousin

  2. VERY serious.... Keep your 2 yo away from him.. Kids that start this way hurt animals.. other kids.. they have no remorse...This kid needs counselling ASAP...Your sister  needs to grow up.. The real reason she doesn't want to tell the doctor is that she knows something's wrong...

  3. Nothing is wrong with him.Boys all have an inner bully. Its part of being a boy and wanting to dominate. But he needs to learn how to control it. If you put him in time out and he pitches a fit let him. Stand over him so he cannot leave the corner and let him kick and scream and do what ever he wants. He will eventually stop. Do not hold him when he is mis behaving. He has to face a wall. Even if he destroying that wall he needs to sit there. It may take for ever but once he stops crying thats when the time out clock starts. He has to sit there for 5 mins with out crying. Every time he does something wrong he has to get time out. If you wait until he does something big he learns he can get away with what ever as long as there small. He has learned by being violent he gets what he wants. This will not be out grown and will get much worse with time (think of him acting like this only he is a 200 pound adult). As the adult you need to prove to him you are bigger, and stronger and no matter what he does you are dominate.

  4. Your nephew is five, right? Well, this sounds very serious; I have seen it many times before.  It sounds like he needs to be seen by a licensed psychologist and perhaps started in a counseling program.  Did you know that many "accidents" have resulted in death committed by young children with anger management issues against other children? Please, don't leave your 2-year-old alone with your nephew!!  I know it is difficult, but you need to have a heart-to-heart talk with your sister.  It is for your nephew's own good that he receives and treatment he may need as soon as possible.  On the bright side, many times these situations turn out to be nothing more that the parent needing a little advice on discipline skills and a few lessons in child psychology.  The key is to be consistent.  I wish you the best of luck!

  5. I am going through this with my 8 year old son.  He really can be a good kid, he can be very affectionate, polite and helpful yet he has severe anger issues.  We treat him the same as his sisters, same rules same punishment and yet nothing ever got through to him.  We started taking him to a child pshycologist who has been great in helping to get into his head to see what the deal is and we still have a long road ahead of us.  We have had to call the cops to the house to help calm him down when he would get so violent his sisters locked themselves in the bathroom, he broke his one sisters nose when he got made, he has hit me, kicked his dad etc.  School is a nightmare as he just flat out refuses to do the work even though he is very capable.  Working with the therapist has been our lifesavor.  I was just like your sister and figured if I said what was going on they would blame me and find nothing wrong with him, that hasnt been the case at all.  We are now learning to deal with it, ways to get punishment to stick without having a war and he is learning to control the anger and to talk instead of lash out.  A child like this can tear your entire family apart and even though you love them you can feel like your breaking point is there.  Go to the pediatrician and talk to them they can refer you to a therapist that can help.  The longer your sister waits the harder it will be on everyone.

  6. not a professional but my son was similar when he was around that age. he would tell ME no and tell me i wasnt the boss of him, he'd hurt animals on purpose, hit kids at school, he was a nightmare. I about went crazy. I called the Helen Ross McNabb center and they were a life saver for me. Kind of like my own personal super-nanny. Does he get spankings? You said time outs dont work but his mom needs to be more consistant. Even if he yells and cries and pitches a fit, drag him back to his time out spot and make him sit there all day and night if she has to. Reward him when eh IS good and make a big deal of how proud you are of him for being good. when kids get in trouble all the time they stop caring about what the consequences are. My son has adhd as well and school has definitely been a challenge but he's much better now. Hang in there, I know it can be rough. Good luck!

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