
My 5-year begins kindergarden in September, what is best?

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half-day or full day? is one not enough or the other too much? He has been in pre-school since the age of 2 & this year he has become reluctant to go to school. HELP!!




  1. Maybe he is ready to go to proper school.In Australia children attend school when they turn 5.He may be bored.

  2. Our children go to kindergarden for half days.  There is plenty of time for them to be full time in school once they've begun grade 1

  3. Check to see if your school offers a summer program for kids before they enter kindergarten.  My daughter did this and it helped a lot.  The atmosphere is usually much more laid back and the kids get into the routine.  It makes the big day in the fall a lot easier.

    As far as the half or whole day debate goes: I've heard arguments for both.  My daughter went full days (her school didn't offer half days).  She did just fine.  I would check out the school.  Some questions you might ask:  If whole day turns out to be too much, can you switch to half days?  Do the whole day classes offer a naptime or relax time?  Also ask to come in with your child and meet the teachers and sit in on a little bit of a class.  Its a great way for your son to see just what its all about.  And remember, kids are much stronger than we give them credit for.  I'm sure he'll do just fine, no matter what you choose!

    Good luck

  4. kindergarden is proper school and it all depends on your child if he comes home excited expecting to go back to school the next day you should go for full day     but if he comes or im sorry came home from preschool tired give him a couple more months to get used to it

  5. Half day ...mines in there now and Its probably easier for them to get into the flow of it easier

  6. Psychologist all recommend that you introduce you children into kindergarten at 1/2 day.  This way they are following a natural progression of being away from you.

    PK 3yr=2 hours / 2 days a week

    PK 4yr=3 hours / 3 days a week

    Kin 5yr=4 hours / 5 days a week

    1st  6yr=7 hours / 5 days a week

    (typical scenario)

    If your child is male they also say that it may (depending on the child) be better to start Kindergarten at age 6 since boys are less mature then girls at this age.

    Best Wishes!

  7. well, i'm not sure bout the kindy over there if it's in malaysia. it's normal for kids to behave that way.. cos when they reach age 4 or 5 there will be homework and sometimes it's because of the homework that they don't wanna go to school.. or maybe insecurity.. all u need is to assure ur kid that u r always there for him and tell him wat time u pick him up and make sure u r there.. that's all

  8. Full day!  

    This will be an entirely new learning experience and he will enjoy the change of pace. I'm surprised that some states still allow half-days... when those attending  K- full days are obviously more prepared for 1st grade by the end of the year.

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