
My 5 year old and i see this figure attached to my mother in law its dark and had red eyees. what is it?

by Guest31835  |  earlier

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this figure is attached to her almost as if it is part of her and has red eyes and greenish colored teeth and when i first saw it she was arguing with my hubby. i just want to know if it is figure of my imagination or if it is real. if it is real then what is it. i do believe in ghosts and spirits and have sight but i have never seen something like this before and i am a little puzzled over it.




  1. The only solution to this is to directly confront your mother in law, tell her about this demon, she may not even be aware of it and I'm sure she will be extremely greatful to you for bringing it to her attention.

  2. So which one are you hoping goes away? The monster or the mother-in-law LOL! I think James Vann Praag wrote about this in one of his books, also try Mary Ann Winkowski "When Ghosts Speak."  I think it was basically described as just a wealth of negative energy.

  3. My mother in law had a similar creature attached to her.It is a Walnirehtom demon.I separated them with a sage burning and a baseball bat.I then kept the demon and threw out my mother in law.

  4. Mother in laws always get a bad rap. I don't understand why. If she's giving you problems...then maybe it's not her fault . Maybe this "thing" is getting into her and causing her to act this way. Try to get her to a church. If she's already in one..maybe she should change churches. Or ..maybe it's something in your house that doesn't want her it gives her a bad attitude. If we could see what's around people when they act badly...maybe we'd understand better and be more forgiving. Try to talk out your problems with her. She'll probably be in your life for a long time. Better to have a good relationship with her than to have to go through all those years fighting. You didn't just join into a relationship with your husband when you got joined into his family..and he joined into yours.

  5. it's probably just your mother in law lol!

    seriously though, I wouldn't doubt it's a demon, she may have something attached to her aura or spirit.

    Is she a mean women?, could be the cause of her anger.

    Or it could just be the demon that lives in all of us.

    We all have something like that inside our souls, most of us don't show it, but angry, cruel people.. such as serial killers let it take control of them.

    Some type of battle between good and evil is usually going on in our bodies during a heated argument, most of us are lucky enough to have our good side win

  6. It is not real.  Honestly.  If you have truly seen this then it's either an optical illusion from various stimuli, you were dreaming (many people don't realise that such occurrences were just dreams), you have a chemical imbalance leading to visual hallucinations or you have a powerful imagination.  The child is just playing along.

    There are no ghosts, demons or devils.

  7. I personally belive you are hallucinating..yes sometimes hallucinations are v. real..your child is just too young for you to believe him...

    What you have described sounds too fantastical to be real...even evil spirits would look different if they were attached to a person

    However you cd discuss this with your priest..incase you wish to relax on this

    I will also recommend you visit your doctor and discuss this

  8. its a demon, and im not old fashioned but yes an exorcise would be good

  9. It is a GHOST.

  10. the devil

  11. Have you ever heard about vampiring?This question may answer yours.I guess she is always tired or acting strange  too...?

  12. sounds to me like you don't like your mother in law, so your over active imagination created this demon thing, and your 5 year old is just playing along.

  13. Maybe that's her evil twin.

    Are you and your child the only people that can see the other entity?

    How about having her stand outside and see if you can also see two shadows.

    When she speaks to you, do you always see the entity, or is it more pronounced when she's angry or upset?

    Maybe she truly is a haunted person.

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