
My 5 year old cousin says she has a crush on Zac Efron, is this normal?

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My 5 year old cousin really loves Zac Efron, she has a crush on him. Is it normal for little kids to develop crushes on celebrities?




  1. I dont rememebr that young but I do remememeber loving JTT, Devon Sawor & Andrew Keegan- I would plaster their pics above my bed wall

    I though I was SOOOOO in love LOL!!!!

  2. oooo yes

    my little cousin, 4 likes miley cyrus WAIT i mean hannah montana

  3. Well if they are in front of the TV and other media all the time and see that person constantly and see how others faun over them, then yes it will happen.  My niece who is 6 told me this weekend that she loved the Jonas Brothers.  Then she said she really likes Nick, and asked me which I liked.  I told her I didn't really like them, and her eyes got to the size of saucers!  

  4. YES LOL

    tottally normal ..

    when i was 5 i had a huge crush on superman (christopher reeves )

    i was going to marry him lol

    Im now 28 , im not a s*x addict or anything ..a had very few boyfriends and have been married for 11 years yeah i think its normal

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