
My 5 year old daughter asked me why does it snow, how do I answer that one?

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My 5 year old said "why does it snow mom?" "Where does it come from?" Also she asked "why isn't it always summertime?" I'm trying to find a simplified way to explain this to a 5 year old and it's difficult? Now she just asked me "what does Easter mean, lol?" I said, "It's Jesus's birthday." :D




  1. "It isn't summer all the time because we arn't always close to the sun,"

    bluahahahahahahahahah this is what happen when you learn Astronomy in Bible school.

    Every once in a while, God pushes the Earth farther or closer to the sun.  Not because the Earth's axis is tilted or anything like that.

  2. why does it snow. ?  = well it snows because when its cold out side the rain freezes as it falls from the sky and makes snow.

    where does it come from? it comes from water that collets in the clouds

    why isnt it always summertime? *helps if you have a picture of earth and sun* well see when the earth is here we have summer while this side has winter. and when the earth moves here *move it to other side* we have winter and they get summer.

    jesus's birthday is christmas

    easter is the resurection

    *if your christian anyways*

    hope this helps

  3. Open your freezer and show her the ice in there. Explain it's the dampnes in the air that forms ice each time the door is opened. The same happens in the sky when damp air gets very cold - and it then falls down under it's own weight - as snow, or gets blown around collecting more ice as it goes, then comes down as hail.

    To explain summertime and the seasons- The only real way is to explain it in full. That the earth is spinning to give day and night, but also moving around the sun giving summer and winter. As it is spinning slightly on it's side, sometimes the top is closer, and opposite the bottom is closer.  As it only moves around the sun once a year this gives summer and winter - depending on which end is closer. (see link below).

    Explain Easter is also the old traditional Oeastra - the beginning of the growing season, and a time of birth of all things. - Symbolised by Easter eggs and rabbits and lambs - the reason it's used for JC.

  4. log on to and read the simplest definition thn answer her... GOOD LUCK!!!!!!....

  5. God has dandriff.

  6. It snows and rains because humans need water to drink.  Without water we would die.  So God sends us water from the sky.

  7. tell her that the seasons change is just like her growing that as she grown she needs new clothing and that the earth grows and it changes clothes and it changes from winter summer and fall and that the world sleeps just like her and eats just like her Teach her that the world is alive JUST LIKE HER and wen she grows up she will fell apart of the life of the world instead of just in it

  8. It snows because it is cold outside. It isn't summer all the time because we arn't always close to the sun, and Easter is celebrated because Jesus rose from the dead. Christmas is Jesus birthday

  9. Explaining to a 5 year old the mechanics of meteorology and physics is hardly the was to go. For now, any simple reason will suffice. All she probably really wants to know is that there IS a reason. If you don't think  it would scare her, show her Edward Scissor hands making snow from ice sculptures. Easter? to keep going east further than you are now. lol

  10. It snows because the cold atmosphere semi-freezes the water that is produced by rain.

  11. It snows because it's too cold to rain.

    We need seasons so things will grow. There is a cycle to life and the seasons follow along.

  12. Snow would have been rain if the weather was warmer. Snow and rain are just water that evaporated from the ocean or lakes or whatever and went up in the air kind of like steam. That water builds clouds in the air and rain or snow comes from those clouds.

    Summer is when the North pole is tipped a little toward the Sun and winter is when it is tipped a little away. The Earth's poles are tipped a little and as it goes around the Sun once each year it tips a little more toward or away from the Sun.

    Easter is Jesus' resurrection day, Christmas is his birthday.

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