
My 5 year old does not seem interested in doing his homework.?

by  |  earlier

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I asked him his ABC's and he could not "remember" them. He has known them since he was 3. Is it normal for a 5 year old to not be interested in homework?




  1. give him rewards for doing his homework and make a star chart,every time he does his homework or tries hard at learning something let him put a star on the chart,when he gets 10 stars he gets a big prize.

  2. ask yourself if you would be interested. You have worked hard all day at school and you get home and have more work. Your 5 and just want a chance to play.

  3. how dosnt. just make it fun for him. give him treats for doing or reward him with something

  4. It's totally normal.

    My brother is 8 and he still is not interested in his homework.

    Try making it fun for him so that he will enjoy doing homework.

  5. do you remember ever being interested in homework? i know i don't.

    my son is 12 and he doesn't even remember having homework even though he has had homework since he was 5. i have to make him do his homework before he can do anything that he is interested in.

  6. Each time he dose his homework give him a reward  

  7. maybe he is being stubborn... next time you go to the store, maybe you could find some flash cards or something interesting for him to use while he's doing this homework.

    good luck

  8. Also let him know he doesn't get to do any of the things he likes to do, like toys or TV until AFTER he's done his homework. This will surely get him to do it quickly and first.  

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