My son wont stop stealing at night and in the morning. He steals candy, gummy snacks, juice boxes to the point he wets the bed, and yes even 5 packets of cheese at one time. Help!! We have a fruit bowl out that he know he can eat from at anytime but he only takes those after asking. We have tried everything from taking away all snacks that day, to moving the snacks to the top shelf of the cubbard and all he does is get his chair and climb on up. Im worried!! He eats healthy all day long and then usually gets a snack after dinner but now he gets no snacks and is stealing more. We have taken away his TV, and toys, we have even gotten rid of all of the snacks at one point, he just started to steal other things. We thought that if we left him out a bowl a cereal on the counter that he might eat that instead but all he did was take that into his room and wait to eat it until I got up at 7. Im at my wits end and dont know what else to do please help me!!