
My 5 year old?

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I have a five year old and a 3 year old! Both boys! They are always loud and running around inside and out! They wake at 6 am and go to bed at 830pm They stay active ALL day. No naps My 5year old will be starting school next week. Will he be ok? He has really never been around someone his age they are always younger! I fear he may get bored! What can I do!?! **first time asking a question**




  1. the best way to find out is let him go... whenever im in doubt, i just think of worst case scenario - he IS in fact bored and possibly misbehaves a little? doesnt seem too much. i would definitely recommend talking to his teacher and letter her know your concerns though. if anything, id think interacting with children his own age would entertain him more than a younger brother but thats just me =) good luck !!!

  2. I think your child will be very happy.  He will actually make friends his own age and get to do things without little brother hanging around more than likely stealing all the attention.  Don't worry about him not being around kids of the same age.  It will all work out and I definitely don't think he will be bored.  Now that he will be in school, encourage him to have friends his own age.  Ask him how is day was and what so and so did or did him and so and so play ball today?  This will let him know it is ok for him to be more independent of the family.

  3. No Worries...first day adjustments to new environments are always rough on both the child and parent.  But with him being so active during the day it would be a perfect match for him to meet new friends.

  4. I honestly don't see what you're so worried about!

    He will be FINE.  It will be good for him to learn to play with children his own age.  He'll probably like it even better because he'll have similar interests with them!

    Good luck - and I know it will be hard but LET GO he's getting to be a big boy!  He can handle school! :)

  5. Don't worry, he will be fine (and so will you).

  6. Maybe school will be a good thing as its stimulating him. Maybe he is getting bored and needs that.

    Kids at that age need stimulation, a routine of some sort may work

  7. I wouldn't worry...he is going to have a blast around the other kids at school!!!
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