
My 5 year old son has a crush on a little girl!?

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My 5 year old son came home from school the other day and told me that he had a girlfriend! Her name is Sara and any time we mention her, he smiles really big and acts embarrassed. My question this normal behavior for a little boy? I don't remember having crushes that young.




  1. How sweet!

    Completely normal.  My son and a little girl decide they were going to get married when they grew up when they were 4.  They even drew pictures of the wedding.  It has been years and they are still friends.  She's the only girl he invites to his birthday party now because the rest are "boring".  Sometimes you just meet someone who's a really good friend - which at 5 is what a "girlfriend" is.

  2. My six year old son has always had little girls that have crushes on him and although I don't remember starting out that young their minds don't think the way adult minds think with my son that just means they walk together in line or sit at lunch together or play at recess. My smaller son age 4 actually got a letter from his "friendgirl" last week with my kids they are just really good friends.

  3. They do their homework together, play kiddies' games, and eat the same foods--nothing to get excited about!

  4. This is normal.  Instead of it being a topic of giggles and blushes for him, ask him about the traits in her that he likes.  My daughter has a special friend that is a boy and she likes him because he likes to karate kick on the playground like her.  He did kiss her on the cheek one day.  Her classmates ooohed and ahhhed and embarrasssed her about it, but we told her that she can have any friend she wants as long as they are nice.  And we don't kiss our friends when we are 5, we give them hi-fives.  No big deal.

  5. My kids talk about having "boyfriends". But at their age... a boyfriend is not what a boyfriend is to us.

    Its normal for kids to have little crushes throughout their childhoods.

  6. Oh, its ok.....its normal for a child to like another there age. They only thing you need to worry about is if this girl doesnt like him, than a 5 year olds feelings would be hurt. Also at least its not a older girl than that would be bad!!!

    Cute!!!  :) HoPe, LoVe, and LiFe!!!

  7. They are trying to be adults, and adults have boyfriends/girlfriends. The most he will do is hold her hand. Basically he told you that Sara is his best friend and shes a girl.


  9. When my brother was about 5 or 6 he also had a crush on a girl in his class, and actually kissed her once.  It wasn't a problem, and most people thought it was super cute.  I'd guess it's normal.

  10. you make me sick!!

    A girlfriend or boyfriend is someone who you plan to pursue marriage with.  Young children have no immediate plans regarding marriage therefore no girlfriends of boyfriends just friends who happen to be of the opposite s*x.

    encouraging this will only put you on the fast track to grand parenthood.

  11. Oh yeah! My little guy is 4 and his girlfriend is  Its cute and very normal!

  12. Lol, yes, it's normal.  My youngest is 5 and there's this little girl on his soccer team that he really likes, and she returns his affections.  They are sooo cute always trying to be next to each other.  Don't worry, it doesn't mean he'll be ready to get married at 10.

  13. aww lol. thats cute. yeah id say it is totally normal

  14. LOL, when i was 7 i got "married" to this guy. i wore a dress and he wore a tux and we had flower girls and everything!!!    

    we r really good friends now

  15. That is completely normal.  Don't worry about it.

  16. I think there's nothing wrong with him having a crush. A lot of little kids do, but it's usually the girls that do.

  17. Def. normal! My 4 year old switches girlfriends every week. Most of the time, they're just really good friends with the girl and someone calls the girl their girlfriend so they go along with it.. Its ok. Don't start worrying until he hits 15! LOL

  18. Perfectly normal, my son was 3 when he got a girlfriend at playschool, they both used to blush when they saw each other.

    I remember my first day at school when I was 4, I set eyes on a boy and was smitten, I used to kiss his coat in the cloakroom.

  19. How cute is that?!   Yes, they all talk about having boyfriends and girlfriends when they are in kindergarten.   My daughter had eight boyfriends last year, when she was five.

    Luckily, once they hit first grade, they thing the opposite s*x is "gwoss!"

  20. At least he doesn't like other boys

  21. It's totally normal! And kinda cute! Don't worry about it. For his age, a ' girlfriend ' is basically someone who is an oposite gender and still their friend. ( because usually at that age they think their oposite gender has ' cooties ' and all that ). Or for a ' date ' they hold hands in the hallway.

    I had my first crush when I was 9. So yeah, 5 is a little young, kindergarten?! But yeah, its normal these days. Dont worry too much. I think it's kinda cute actually.

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