
My 5 year old son is due to go to school next year.He is extremely difficult to understand (speech wise). ?

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He has 2 rounds of speech therapy, although it has made no difference, as he will not co-operate. He gets angry (I think its frustration) because I cannot understand him. His younger sister has no problem talking my head off..... I read to them and try to correct his speech but am not sure what else to do. Any ideas?




  1. What do you mean "2 rounds"?  For speech therapy to work, it needs to be continuous.  It shoudl happen every week, at least 2 times per week.  You cna get this kind of therapy through your school district.  You shoud address this before his frustration and anger escalate into negative behaviors.  Good luck

  2. keep working with him and when he gets to school he will get in to the speech therapy and it will get fixed no worry

  3. My daughter just started kindergarten this week. She had speech therapy for a little over a year. It helped, but didn't fix the problem, and she is very hard to understand by most other than family. I worried about her going to school and getting picked on or upset because others can't understand her, but thankfully I think kindergarten is still a pretty innocent age. She will receive therapy at school for an hour a week out of class. They offer these services for free through public school. When he starts, talk to the teacher about your concerns. They will evauate and teach him.  

  4. I would continue the speech therapy.  I went through this with both my kids (boy and girl) up until about 6 or so.  One thing that helped us was a book called "Teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons".  I'm not sure what it is about going through each sound separately to make words, but it helped them get their words right.  So what was "tister" for sister turned into sister when we went over the s's.  And so on.  I think it helps break the rote response they learned pasghetti...I did this WITH other therapy, not in place of it!

  5. He should continue with the speech therapy.  If he is still behind when he starts school, it will continue there.  

  6. definitely keep up the therapy even if he fights it. Also reinforce the therapy tactics throughout the week. Have a doctor check his tongue to make sure nothing is wrong and have his hearing tested to make sure he can hear well. A hearing problem will definitely affect his ability to learn how to speak well.  

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