
My 5 year old son is out of control?

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My son started prep school this year, he is in 50% shared care with myself and his father. i understand that this is tough for him. shared care started about 6 months ago so i thought he may have adapted a bit better then he has, but im wrong. every day there are bad letters coming home to me. He is very disruptive in class, doesn't listen in class, has punched other kids and has a very bad attitude problem. at night time at home he is very naughty also, i have tried everything, from taking his favourite things away to no TV and nothing seems to work. im at my wits end trying to figure out how to get him to behave at home and school. Bed time is just a nightmare, i send him there at 7PM and read a short story then i walk out, he has a night light but still will not co operate. he gets out of bed, yells out, throws pillows on the floor and usually takes about an hour at least before he finally drifts off to sleep..... PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE help me i dont know what else to do.......




  1. It could be Hypoglyceamia or food allergies or parent management (none of us are taught how to do it), or a combination.

    Try these tips on hypoglyceamia (inability of the body to regulate the sugar in the body) first.

    I have had hypoglycaemia and also had 2 children who had it.

    Just a few tips for you.

    "Natural sugar" is sugar nonetheless, and will create the same problems as other sugars.

    Avoid white breads (use whole meal NOT whole-wheat or multigrain) and avoid anything with white flour (you can buy a lot of wholemeal products at bakers and health stores).

    Avoid coloured flavourings or soft drinks (persevere with getting him used to sparkling mineral water (it still had the "bubbles" in it).

    Check all canned or frozen foods as even soups and frozen fish (for example) have sugar!

    Avoid most fruits except strawberries and watermelon (surprising low in sugar and high in vitamins).

    Avoid breakfast cereals except "Vita Brits" (check for low sugar content in your country).

    I find sugar levels below 6% (6 grams/100) are manageable.

    Obviously avoid sugar, and sugar substitutes.

    Vegetables and meat are fine.

    If blood sugar levels drop (tiredness and lack of concentration, irritability) do NOT give honey or other high sugar foods as this sends the sugar level into high levels again and then a sharp drop. Instead give protein such as wholemeal bread with small amount of cheese etc. Also exercise will raise the blood sugar levels.

    Snacks when felt required, or midway between meals is a good idea but not fruit. Again some protein is advisable.

    For adults – also avoid alcohol.

    If you follow what I have written above, if it is hypoglyceamia, you will see changes in 2-4 days.

    If not, have him tested for food allergies.


  2. Did you fight with your husband in front of him? His bad behavior is all about your divorce. I know this might soubd stupid, but don't scream in front of your kid. When parents fight in front of kids, it's terrible. It's something that lasts forever.

  3. KILL HIM witH kindness ^__^

  4. I feel for you. My son was exactly the same way at age 5. Kindergarten was a nightmare. Bedtime, everything you listed was the same for me. At one time, I had taken everything out of his room except his bed, clothes, dresser and lamp. If he got a bad note from his teacher, which was every other day, he would come home, go straight to the couch and not get up until it was time to eat or bathe or go to bed. I enrolled him in home visits from the Helen Ross McNabb center and they helped me alot. Kind of like my personal Supernanny. They told me at bed time, read the story, say goodnight and walk out. No matter how many times he yells or gets up, ignore him. Only walk him back to bed and leave. That eventually worked for me. It took quite a while and I was exhausted, but it did work. Whatever his consequinces are, just STICK TO THEM. Make rules and keep them no matter how aggravating it is for you. He will eventually get it. If her gets up, sit him right back down. Good luck!!

  5. have you had a talk with your sons teacher and father? obviously its a traumatic period for your son. sorry dont know what to advice as cant imagine what each of you is going through but i wish you luck

  6. you need to sort this out asap talk to your ex

    do you talk badly of each other do you both talk properly to each other do you both argue

    you need to have some sort of reward system and a punishments system and stick to them ALWAYS

    you need to get a "time out" area and send him there for 5 mins dont start timing till hes quiet (buy an egg timer) make him apologize when the time has ended

    right down some house rules and put it on a big board and have the reward chart near it make the reward chart using a theme hes interested in and get your ex to do the same at his house so the rules will be there too (you really need to work with your ex if its going to work)

    keep bedtime at 7pm its a good time and then there is routine

    when he fills teh reward chart take him out somewhere dont buy things it will only spoil him and thats another thing dont reward him buying things and dont give him things because hes playing up

    things will get worse before they get better but it will work just make sure everyones doing it too

    hope this helps


  7. Give him stability and routine.  Are you able to discuss parenting techniques with your ex? if not try and explain to him the difference between mummys house and daddys house.  look at his diet,  ie presevatives, sugary sweets etc.  

    Good luck and keep trying

  8. you need to get him to someone who specializes in child therapy for divorced couples, and get your ex involved--he is very angry and upset over the split and shared custody--if both of you can sit down and talk to him--reassuring him that you both love him and NOTHING was ever his fault--it would help him start to feel better about things--but he needs the therapy to work out his anger issues about everything--the prep school may not be best for him either--check into whether he may be having troubles with kids there saying things to him about divorce--I will pray for you and your son--you will need a lot of patience while he works things through

  9. ur kid sux.  try harder wif da next 1 lol

  10. I think there may be two things going on. One your son is pushing his limits and seeing how far he can take things and push your buttons.  Second... he may genuinely be having a hard time adjusting to the split custody, it is not easy for anyone.  At 5 years old children are looking for stability and routine. However, I think that it is way better to have this rough patch then to be in an unhappy relationship... that will just cause a whole lot of problems later.

    I think you should take him to his Dr. and explain the situation... your Doc can refer you to a child phyco therapist. There are many programs that offer sliding scale, so do not let finances get in the way.  A doctor can figure out what is going on and help your son adjust.... and he will probably not have to seem him very many times. The Doc will also be able to tell if he has a learning disability which may also be contributing.

    Stay positive and stay firm with your son.

    Good luck

    Good luck

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