
My 5 year old stomach is hurting all the time, does anyone else have this problem?

by  |  earlier

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My 5 year old sons stomach started hurting him on and off about a year ago. I have took in to the dr and they would say stomach virus.. well last time i took him he said that his stomach had been hurting to long. So he sent us to get test wel the hospital would no do anything cause we dont have insurance. We are working on getting so, but in the mean time. I was wondering what would make a childs stomach hurt. Sometime he will be ok and then bend over in stomach pain. He has actually turned white from pain. He just say my stomach hurts. some days he will lay down and some days he will say my stomach hurts and then keep on playing. what can it be?




  1. See a doctor

  2. Learn how to cook?

  3. When I was a child, I had excruciating stomach pain. I would be doubled over in pain and unable to walk. We never got to the bottom of it, but it eventually went away. My mother always thought it was gas. If it is stomach pain alone w/o other symptoms, it could be any number of things.  

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