
My 5 year old told me about sexually explicit playing with 5 year old stepbrother...?

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I'm having a very difficult time dealing with this situation that has been brought to my attention by my 5 year old son. My son visits his father every weekend. My son's father is married to a woman that has a 5 year old son as well. Yesterday, while eating dinner my son out of nowhere casually says to me, "Jacob asked me to l**k his pe***." I was disturbed by this very much but did not want to show my son any negative emotion that might make him close up. After calmly questioning him some more I found out that this happened after the kids were put to bed and his stepbrother had taken his p**** and put it on my son's cheek and told him to l**k it."

My son told me he did not but did tell me that in the past he has kissed it when asked to. Now, I'm especially concerned because my son's father mentioned to me that Jacob has had some inappropriate behavior in the past. For example, rubbing on people, trying to tongue kiss other kids. My son's father told me he was concerned (to be cont.)




  1. For that little boy to go up to your son and put his p***s in his face and tell him to l**k it..something has definitely happened to him or around him. I would take this VERY VERY seriously.

  2. I'm sure its normal for a mother to worry and be terrified in a way. Maybe Jacob was milested by an uncle and if the uncle isnt allowed any contact with the child i think its true. Just tell your son that l*****g a p***s is not a good thing to do or isnt good for a little boy to do, something that he will understand but not have any further questions. If Jacob does have inappropriate behavior then why inst Jacob being taught about it and helped for it? Just ask the father what he is doing about it and maybe Jacob has walked in on him and Jakes mom,but never realized it? Theres always a possibility.

  3. First you handled it very well by acting calmly so he wouldnt close up.....I'm not sure I could do that when presented with that statement. So kudos.

    Okay, I would tell my son that kissing is for girls and boys and that is on the lips only. Then I would tell him to tell the little boy "no" and go straight to his father if anything like this happened again. I would try then to tell him what is inappropriate touching and kissing. Also I would tell him that the only people he needs to obey and do what they're told by his mother and father. Tell him he doesnt have to do anything another kid tells him to do.

    Wow this is hard. good luck!

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