
My 5 year old wont stop singing sir-mix-alot "baby got back" should i laugh or be mad?

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my 5 year old daughter has some how learned the lyrics to baby got back. should i laugh or be mad?




  1. LOL!!! My 3, 8 and 13 yr olds have been singing that song for the past month after my husband played it for them in the car.. We just laugh. I am hopeful it will get old and they will stop before school.. I doubt the teachers will think it is as funny as we do.

  2. Thats pretty funny. You should allow her to sing along to the song sometimes but make sure she understands that she should only sing it with you, or if you ask her to. That way you can say it can be your thing with her and that way you wont get embarrassed in front of your parents or anything and it will make her happy!

  3. Hah, back when my friend was 6 he would do the exact same thing. Dont worry about it, its just funny to her and her friends. Theyre five year olds, they probably dont even know what it is.

  4. You should laugh and sing it with her. But if she gets out of hand and starts doing inappropriate things then you would have to draw the line.

  5. lol yours too huh lol my son was about 5 when he heard it on tv one time and started singing it lol just a catchy song i guess

  6. laugh

  7. thats awesome! dont ever be mad. thats one of the many joys of motherhood. i cant wait for my girls to grow and do crazy,funny random things like that.. hehe

  8. It was probably cute the first time, but it will eventually get inappropriate.  Nothing wrong with having a sense of humor about it, but its not exactly the best song for a 5 year old to be singing.  I would simply redirect him/her.  Teach him/her a couple new, more age appropriate songs.

  9. laugh hunn its funny!!!! but if u really dont want her to sing it find a new song and play it for her alot!!!

  10. Just ignore him.  Sooner or later he will forget it and go onto something else.

  11. I'd laugh and thank Skrek. My kids did the same thing. Don't worry, there will be other songs to sing....

  12. Video tape that!!!  Laugh, it won't last!!

  13. oh i laughed.

    you should only be upset if your five year old knows the meaning to those lyrics - then you should be mad at yourself.  if she just heard a song and is singing it, tell her it's an adult song and she should listen to different songs.

    kids are strange - when i was 5 i swore i 'invented' the song "somewhere over the rainbow" both the lyrics, and the piano notes - i really believed myself too....

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