
My 5 years old is in reception this year but still can't recognize the alphabets any help?

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My 5 years old is in reception this year but still can't recognize the alphabets any help?




  1. some kids r slow start but later on do well. Maybe ur kid is like them.

  2. As a kindergarten teacher I know that children learn at different levels.  Some children have more difficulty than others.  I would have your child tested for glasses to make sure he sees well.  Than there are several things you can do.   Take some of the easiest letters to learn first.  Don't worry about teaching them in order.  Of course you may want to see what letters they have worked on in school and start with those.  Because some children learn more by doing than by seeing it may help if you try some of these techniques.    Write two or three letters on seperate index cards.  Only do two or three at a time.   Make sure you make the letters really big.  Trace the letters with a mound of glue.  Let dry completey. (overnight) This makes a raised edge that the child can than trace with his finger.  Hold your childs finger and starting in the correct positon as you would write the letter help him trace it with his finger.  He will feel the letter.  Have him do it again with his eyes closed.  He will get a visual in his mind what that letter looks like.  Say the letter as you trace with your finger.  Say the letter many times. Repeat tracing that letter several times.  Ask him to do it by himself and tell you what the letter is.  Make sure he always starts tracing in the correct postion.

    After he does this several times than show him another letter card and repeat.   After he does that letter several times have him close his eyes and place his finger on the letter. Tell him without looking to trace it with his finger and see if he can guess what letter it is.  Make a silly game out of it.   Tell him you are going to try and trick him and see if he can figure it out.  Make a big deal out of it if he gets it right.  If he doesn't get it right DON'T make a big deal out of it.  Just ask him to try again.  If he still keeps getting it wrong revert back to one letter and retrace.   You can also change up the texture of the letters by making a different set of cards glueing sand on the letters.   When your child seems to remember a letter well enough than place it on the fridge like a prize.  Ask him several times when you go into the kitchen what letter is b (or whatever letters are there)  ask him to point to it.  Ask them if they want to fill up the fridge with letters.  Keep it exciting for them.  Add letters one at a time.  When he brings home a new letter from school.  First thing to do is make your card.  Talk about the letter.  Show him how the backs of some letters are stright and some have curves. You can also let him use playdough to shape the letters.  Put a mound of shaving cream on a glass table and let him smooth it out and write a letter in the shaving cream.  With the letters that are on the fridge you can play a game.  You stay in one room and tell him to go get a certain letter.  If he brings back the right letter he gets an M&M.  If he gets it wrong you get the M&M.  Make a big deal that he gets more than you.  Your child may be a hands on child.  In the classroom between the distractions that happen everyday and the lack of time for hands on activities your child may not be getting the extra help he needs.   If after several tries of doing this he doesn't seem to catch on you may have him tested for dyslexia.  This is where they don't see letters like you and I.  They are jummbled up and sideways.  He will have to be taught a certain way to figure out how to tell what the letters are.  By testing them they will know and can send him to a special teacher that knows how to help him.  It doesn't mean he is slow it just means he sees things different.  

    You can start teaching the sounds of the letters when he seems to be catching on.  Use pictures and things as examples.  Take it slow and make sure he doesn't forget the letters he has learned. Always repeat learned letters.  Good Luck but don't worry.  You are smart for knowing he may need help.  Get it while he is really young than he will do fine.

  3. try going to the web site my daughter is four and it helped her.

  4. Begin with the letters in his name, as these have meaning to him on a personal level.  Start with the first letter.  Find it everywhere, on cereal boxes, signs, and newspapers, and books, etc.  Say "Oh look Mark, I see your M!  It's right here, do you see it?  When he seems to be recognizing it, make a game of it:  I see Mark's M on this box.  Can you find it?" without pointing it out to him.  When he is finding it on his own and starts pointing it out to you, he is ready for the next letter, and so on.  When he knows all the letters in his name, go on to more letters that you know will appeal to him, such as maybe his last name, or m-o-m, d-a-d, d-o-g, l-o-v-e, etc.  I bet you will be amazed how quickly this game style method of teaching will help!

  5. Get him tested for dyslexia. Until the test is complete, make the school aware of the issue so they don't have him down as a disruptive student. Many children with learning difficulties are branded as disruptive when all they need is some extra help to concentrate.

    IT is most likely that your son is dyslexic or a slow learner. Either way he will need lots of extra support both from you and the school. Home tutoring can really make a difference to the performance at school. Also restrict TV until after homework is done, to less than 1 hour a day on school nights and 2 hours a day at weekends.

  6. my sister is 5 and she can remeber anything but her school work. use a fun way for your child to remember her abc's and they will get use to it. after that use a fun way for whatever they have to do for the reception and they will also remember it

  7. What I did to help my 5 year old, I put both the Capital and Lower case Letters on pitchers of Cars for him. My son loves any thing with wheels and an Engine in it so I thought sens he know so many different cars by the head lights I would try it.

    Find some thing that your kid likes and give it a wheelie. I would go throw the ABC's every night for 30 min. He know has them down.

  8. There is a wonderful program type curriculm that is currenly being sold.  It is called zoo-phonics.  It uses the letters of the alphabet and twists them into pictures of animals.  THis is very hard to describe in words so go to this web site.  THere you can see what I am talking about and also order it.  It is a little expensive but I will tell you the best part of the curriclum is the computer game.  The game is only like 20 dollars and it is well worth it.  I  have used it in my classroom and have not found a child yet that it did not benefit.  If you can afford the flash cards and all that would be even more helpful.  Also I have seen used sets being sold on ebay.  Check this stuff out becuase it is the best thing made for teaching a child to recognize their letters and learn to read.

  9. Start with the letters in your childs name.  This is what we do when teaching the alphabet in school.  Then you branch out from there.  Start helping your child recognize print in the enviroment (McDonalds, store names).  

    Often parents are so overwhelmed by what their child may be struggling with that this burden is pushed on the child and the child then becomes aware of the "problem" and may get nervous about getting the answer wrong.  Be positive and make it fun.  Also check out this site it is wonderful and I use it in my class often!

  10. I wouldn't be too concerned right now.  Some children excel at slower rates.  Just continue working with your child at home as much as possible.  Things as simple as singing the ABC song while pointing to each letter will help.  Read books together and have your child find all the As on a page or all the ms on a page.  Make it fun, while driving down the road, point out all the letters you see.  Magnetic alphabet letters are very helpful because they can not only see the letters, but feel the shape.  Children learn in different ways, you just have to find the way to interest your child in the letters.  But like I said, don't start worrying too much and don't go get him tested for anything.  He's only 5, many 5 year olds don't know their letters yet.  That is what kindergarten is for.  Good luck!

  11. Well it's said that people can only learn 7 new things at a time so you might want to just help her with A-G, take a break then go over A-G and then teach her H-N, take a break, and so on doing the same thing. if she has trouble on certain letters just spend more time working on that.

  12. As a Kindergarten teacher, I can tell you that there is no one way to teach your child.  Everyone learns differently.  Some kids can learn from songs, some from games, some from art (like the posting about the flashcard letters- great suggestion).Spend one day introducing your child to a new letter.  First do the letters in his/her name and have him practice writing his name often.  He can write his name with markers, pencils, glitter pens, magnets, a stick in the sand, etc.  There are so many educational games to help  kids learn letters.  Try the leappad series.  It's great!!  DO NOT follow the advice to have your child for dyslexia.  Most schools won't even do that until around 2nd or 3rd grade, because at 5 it may be a developmental problem and not a learning problem.  Your child just needs the opportunity to be exposed to it more at school.  Don't stress.  Your child will learn.  You just need to figure out HOW he learns.

  13. pls see a pediatrician or a nutritionist may be your offspring have a luck of nutrients inside her

                                                                 thanks for asking

  14. There are several good books and jigsaws , you can try them. also put magnetic alphabet on your fridge. spend some time with her.

  15. ok..i was having this problem to..have a 5 and a 6 yr old both whom at the beginning of the year still could not identify letters...dont depend on the school to teach it to them..they obviously cannot...i had to literally sit them both down with a marker and white board and flash cards and start teaching them myself..about an hour a day..only 3 or 4 letters at one time..make sure they have those down or most of them down before moving on..mine really like to "Write" so i had thgem each practice writing the letters we learned about on the white board and then on their own with a pencil and a piece of paper..and they got it!! i was so happy when my 6 yr old finally wrote his name 5 yr old knows about 3/4 of the alphabet..we keep working at it..about 3 times a week..more if im up to gets very frustrating sometimes..

  16. help like a is 4 apple b is 4 boat c is 4 cookies 4 the letters put something they like

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