
My 5 yo girl won't play soccer?

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My 5 yo girl wanted to play soccer so we listed her in the under 6's. She is the only girl in her team and seems uninterested now that she is on the team. Her 4 yo sister desperately wants to play and is very keen to but she is too young. How can I get my 5 yo to get on the field and give it a go without pushing her. next year her sister will be playing in the same team as her but this year she is on her own with 5 boys. Also there is only 5 more games till the season finishes so i'd like to see her stick with it so she gets her trophy.




  1. I would tell her that she is a part of the team and they are relying on her - she's not too young to learn that when you say you'll do something it's your responsibility to do it.

  2. When I was little I really wanted to do ballet. Mum couldnt really afford it but she booked me in to this place. I felt really uncomfortable as it was a really big room and all the parents sat on the side watching. I was shy with things like that. So my sister ended up doing my lessons every week and I would sit on the stage watching...and probably being watched after refusing to participate. Yet I didn't notice THAT. I guess I was afraid of being laughed at or doing it wrong... Or just of having my performance evaluated even if

    Then I did nippers (surf life saving for kids) this was a bit better as the parents mostly stayed up at the club and had a BBQ so they weren't watching us. But there were lots of boys in nippers and they used to call me and the few other girls "giiiiiirly" which I HATED (I am still traumatised to this day ;) They paid too much attention to me coz I guess it was a novelty me being a rare girl in the crew. So sometimes I just got too shy and kicked up a little stink to get out of doing the drills.

    I hope this gave you some insight into maybe wot your kiddy is thinking?

  3. When you say she seems uninterested, do you mean that she refuses to play, or is just ambivalent about it?

    If she refuses to play, you could take her and sit with her on the sidelines and maybe she'll decide she wants to play...or not.  I personally wouldn't push or bribe, just deliver her there.   It's not too early to teach commitment.

    If she plays but doesn't love it...well, there's not much you can do about that.

  4. all kids want to play soccer at some point, for me it was karate. when i was little i urged my mom to sign me up she did but then i realized it was boring. so if your little girl wants to quit let her quit, its obvious that she thought it would be fun but its not, she probly just likes to play soccer as a hobby.

  5. well if she doesn't like it theres not much you can do, but try bribery til the end of the season, buy her something she wants before the game tell her if she plays well she can have it after.

  6. Tell her that she can make a great carrer out of soccer and that she can make alot of money. If she's like me she would really like that =).

  7. If she feels intimidated by the boys maybe it would be good for her to have play dates with a few of them in smaller groups so that she can become closer friends with them and feel more comfortable and part of the team.

    Perhaps let her watch some of  the movie "Bend it Like Beckham" so that she can see girls playing soccer and doing it well and having fun.

  8. If she doesn't want to do it then don't push it, you'll just set up more resistance. When she sees that other girls are playing it and enjoying it she will probably decide that she wants to play after all. Maybe she just doesn't like playing with the boys. Isn't there a girls-only team she can start off with until she gets some experience?

  9. My daughter asked to play soccer at this age too. She was enrolled on her friends team all was good until they switched up the teams to add more kids. Her and her friend got seperated and she was with all little boys. She would run with them but never kicked the ball. I asked her to try but the next game someone knocked her down accidently. After that she just refused to do anything but cry during the games. I finally let her quit. That was the only sport she has quit and she still to this day hates soccer. She is 9 now.

  10. my daughter did the same.  Begged up to let herplay and then when she got there got out of the way of the ball, stared at the sky and wandered around, no soccer playing!

    I took her to the field early and we practiced a bit together. I told her that if she got in there and tried she would ahve more fun and if she got a goal that would be amazing.  the more time we practiced the more she played!

  11. This happened to me. I was signed up for a basketball camp. And they said it was going to be all girls. And i was on a team with all boys. I did not like it at all.

    You have to talk to the coach, let him or her know, your daughters problem, he might talk to the team and say to the other boys let ( So and So's name ) play also, and pass to her as well.

    Let her know that you did talk to the coach about that, and that if she is a trooper you will get her maybe a webkinz  (Great childs toy.. ) Or her favorite toy, this is not bribary , it is incentive,.,.,,,. For her to finish the week.and get that trophy.

    Contact me for any other information or help you might need.. ! Good Luck ! ~ Ariel ~

  12. My daughter was the same way.  There were only 2 girls on the team.  She said she wanted to play, but just didn't really try on the field.   You can't really bribe them or anything to get them to make an effort in a sport.  If they don't like it, you can't make them like it.  She stopped playing over a year ago, but now says she wants to do it again.  So, in the spring if she's still interested, we'll give it another try.

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