they made no big deal of it, and wouldn't even do a CT scan. He did have a 102 degree temp for 5 days last week, and a sore throat. Those symptoms are basically gone. Still has a low grade temp. Also he did not fall that we are aware of. They seemed to think it maybe was a bug bite, but I am not too comfortable with that. I am worried.
Also I realized after we left, that they didn't even check his B/P. Anyway, I am a nurse, but don't know a whole lot about this stuff, I have tried to do some research online with not much luck.
Well today, when he woke up I noticed it spread from yesterday's V shape to the left side of his forehead and left side of upper nose. Otherwise he is acting normal, and has no complaints.
I will probably take him back again, but wanted to know if anyone had any ideas about this.