
My 50 hp evinrude won't suck gas?

by  |  earlier

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I have a 50 hp evinrude that seems as though it won't suck any gas. I replaced all the fuel lines/filters gas tank/gas. I start the engine and it runs as long as I keep pushing the key in (which I guess is some sort of primer to get gas to the carbs electrically). Once I stop pressing the key, the motor dies. Any ideas?




  1. if you can keep it running with pushing in on the choke/primer the fuel pump IS working as the primer/choke only utilizes fuel from the fuel pump. what year or model motor is it? if I knew which engine I could give better info.  if you can only keep the engine running for a short time then you have a fuel problem. the mixture on the slow speed circuit also may be out of adjustment. contact me or re-ask with model year and I can help(possibility of 5 fuel systems depending on what year) you can also follow the fuel line from the hose connector to the fuel pump(again what model) once you find it remove the outlet hose(one that goes to carbs) start the engine and see if fuel shoots out. if it does the pump is working. BE CAREFUL DO NOT LET GAS CONTACT ELECTTRICAL CONNECTIONS FIRE RISK! USE A SMALL CONTAINER TO CATCH ANY FUEL!!

  2. take the carberator apart there might be build up of sludge in the float bowl and jets use a piano wire and compressed air to clean

    hope everything works out

  3. The carbs need to be cleaned.I suspect that this engine has sat for a long time and was not properly prepared for a extended period of sitting idle.

  4. jets are clogged  in the carbs,  requires removing carbs, disassembling and cleaning

  5. how about the fuel pump?

    On the other hand when the wife doesnt want to, a bottle of champagne and some chocolates usually does the trick

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