
My 5mo baby constantly turns around every night on his stomach what can I do reduce him from doing it so much?

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I am constantly turning him around through out the night, so he's on his back and not his stomach since it's not good for them but half of the time when I put him on his back again, he'll wake up then it take me a while to get him back to sleep.




  1. Leave him lay on his stomach. Once he has the head control to make sure he is able to breathe (head on side) then SIDS is no longer likely.

    So let him roll around as much as he likes. It will build his large muscle development as well as his independent sleeping skills.

    If you just can't stand it, and it is effecting the quality of your own sleep because of worry, you can buy a thing from most baby stores to stop baby from being able to roll over. It's a piece of  material with a bump on each end, and baby lays in the middle.  

  2. There is nothing you can do.  He sleeps on his tummy because he is comfortable doing so.  Stop being anal retentive, the SIDS "thing" is nothing more than a worn out theory that has never been proved.  The truth is that it is not known what causes SIDS.  If tummy sleeping were it then most of my family wouldn't be here because from my parents on down to my children as well as my siblings children have been tummy sleepers.  The only child that passed as an infant was my youngest sister's first born, she was so adamant that he would not sleep on his tummy because her pediatrician scared her about SIDS she bought those tie downs to keep him on his back.  Consequently one night he vomited in his sleep and chocked to death on his own vomit, he was dead when she went to get him up next morning.  Leave your baby alone and let him sleep.  

  3. its ok at that age for them to be on their tummy, especially if it is comfertable and they can breath fine

    answer mine plz;...

  4. my last child is 9 months and sleeps on her back i tuck her sheets in and she doesnt move at all. shes in the same spot as i put her in the night.

    my son did what ur baby did. i never tucked him in. he always favoured his tummy. he will be ok. i brought a ANGEL CARE KIT. it monitors their breathing and an alarm goes off if they top for more than 20 secs. so u can attend to the situation.

    ive not had one sleepless night worrying.

    they are worth the money trust me.

  5. My babies always sleep well when they lie on their stomach, as long as they can lift their head, and make sure they dont get suffocated. that's they are old (10 and 7 )  and still alive,so I dont see any problem with that.  

  6. I know what you are saying... They say its ok once they can roll over and have head control. But, its really hard to give up those mommy instincts and let them be. Can he roll from his tummy to his back? My baby only rolls back to tummy so it scares me.  

  7. Most kids that age do that, and its fine. Its just more comfy

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