
My 5yo daughter is a control freak!?

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My daughter is 5 yrs. old but, acts as if she is my mother. She always tries to be in control and just very bossy. If I leave somewhere and don't take her, she is in a hissy when I get back and she demands to know where I went, who did I see, what did I talk about etc. She is always butting in conversations and she is always worried about what everyone else is doing. Does anyone have any advice for me? I don't know what to do.




  1. Maybe you spoil her to much? But ask her why she feels the need to control situations and people around her. Read some of the links I provided. I hope it helps you =]

  2. Who's the kid and who's the adult??? Come on. Shes spoiled and you let her get that way, she didn't learn that on her own. You'll be sorry in the long run and it will be your fault.

  3. it's normal, and you shouldn't worry about this.  i have a 5 year old boy, he's not bossy...but when i watch his girl playmates, same age as him, i notice that girls do tend to be bossy.  i also taught 5 year olds for 8 years...and i observed that in class too.  when it comes to 5 year olds, boys are easier to deal with.

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