
My 5yr old son has lost interest in his kick boxing class!?

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he's been doing it for about 3months and the blokey recons he's progressing really well. it costs me £30 a month and he only goes for half an hr a week (so really quite expensive). he's really not interested anymore and i don't know what to do. should i make him go or is it just a waste of money? please help n quick he's got a session in an hr n a half




  1. He is only 5.  He has the attention span of a puppy.  He probably is bored with it and wants to bounce on to another activity.  It is only a half an hour a week.  I think the you should keep him in the class, so that he learns that when you choose something that costs money, you can't just drop out and leave.  It will help teach him to follow through.  I wouldn't enroll him in any more classes like that, though, untill he is older, 8 or 9, and really wants to do it for himself, not because he thinks it looks cool.  

  2. Don't force your son to do an activity he's lost interest in.  It's a waste of your money.  He's too young to be dedicated to one sport.  

  3. Don't force him to do something he doesn't want to do. If he doesn't then it is a waste of money. Take him out if that is what he wants.

    But make sure he knows that if you take him out, it is going to be harder for him to convince you to join something else he wants to do in the future. If he wants to join something that will cost you money, you better make sure he knows he needs to stick with it.  

  4. i should make him complete the course you have paid for,but after that let him leave.hes got to try these things to know if he likes them or not,but on the other hand has to know you are not throwing your money away,and he should think hard before he asks to join another group--but he is only 5.

  5. Find a different sport for him to do or find a different place for him to kick box as there might be someone in his class he doesn't like.  

  6. No kids are like that,    They change like the wind..    Mine did too    Went to karate,  bought all the gear,  Then not bother any more,  same with gymnastics club,,,,Boys  loved going fishing,  then dropped it..  Then it was golf,  a bit more expensive,   6 months   was over .   Yes  I think your lad is typical of lots    

  7. When I was young i took piano lessons. Half way through i lost interest and wanted to stop, but my mom forced me to go and to devolp a skill. Today I'm grateful she forced me and I love it again. And i can say: yes I'm excellent at playing the piano, and I'm so happy she forced me through the rough times when i lost interest.

    I'm sure he'll thank you when hes 20 and a champ! xx

  8. Don't make him go if he really doesn't want to. He's only 5 and it's a bit young to be forced to do something you don't like any more.

    But it's worth trying to find out if it's the kick boxing he doesn't like or someone who is at the same class - or even the instructor.

    My kids tried all sorts of things out and gave them all up one by one to try out something new but they had a great time trying different activities and it all added to their experience.

    Good luck.

  9. hes 5 hes gonna get bored with stuff quick i would make him stay with it so  when he hits middle school and high school he wont have to deal with any c**p people give him

  10. i am a kid so i say he probably got bored

  11. It's okay to spend money to enhance a skill... but make sure he'll pursue this hobby, If he does, he'll be really thankful to you in time...

  12. He's 5, he is trying out sports and may get bored easily with it....just don't force him to go. Ask him if he has any interest for other sports and if he wants to try them out and ask them if he can participate for 2-3 lessons to see if he really likes it. But make sure he really likes that sport and if he is willingly to do that sport for more than 6 months before you buy him all the stuff he needs for that sport.

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