
My 6-7 month old cat has one eye fully dilated and the other is really small what could be the cause of it?

by  |  earlier

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a couple of days ago i noticed she had discharge coming from the eye the does not dilate and the veins in that eye are very red.

she is an inside cat so she couldn't have gotten in to any thing please help!




  1. Sounds like your kitty might have a headache or other type of swelling of her brain.

    She should be seen by a vet ASAP.

  2. Assymetrical pupil dilation can be a sign of brain trauma.  At the very least there is something wrong with the eye that does not dilate.  What are you waiting for?  She could be in pain. The people on this site can't make your cat well. Take her to a vet immediately.

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