
My 6 month old baby girl has red eye lids

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, almost looks like an allergy. There is no puss, no eye boogies, no tearing, maybe a tiny bit puffy. Any ideas what that could be?




  1. Some babies get that, but it goes away in like 2 weeks, My aunt had a child and she had that... But thats all I can think of. You still should take her to a doctor.

    - good luck!!

  2. oh my god! I can not believe this person who answered wrote that, i reported him dont wory, probably nothing serious. maybe sensitivity to animals or dust. go see a doctor.  :)

  3. Have you had her outside any? It might be allergy i would just call her doc and ask!!

  4. My little ones eyelids look this way if he doesn't get a good nights sleep or is overtired.  This normally occurs when he's teething.  It could also be from being out in the sun.  If it doesn't clear up then try calling your pediatrician and seeing what they say.  

  5. Maybe she's been crying too much!  

  6. It is a slow-growing swelling of the upper or lower eyelid usually caused by a blockage in the oil glands in the eyelid. I have heard others have had success with one-pill dose of the pill difulcan (used to treat yeast "infections") . Another natural remedy that has worked for people is acidophilus (you can get at the health food store - 30 pills for about $14). There is an otc product too, called acidophilus pearls (by enzymatic therapy) that can work if its a yeast related condition. Many yogurts also contain acidophilus, so you may want to include that in the babies meal.

  7. Pink Eye...

    Check out Website!!!

  8. allergies maybe...or maybe she has been rubbing them cause she's tired


  10. I bet she is holding her breath too long.  

  11. either she has been crying or is sleepy.  If it is when she is eating a bottle then see if her nose is stopped up.

  12. It could be a number of things, most likely an allergy.  My son's eyelids became very red when he was dehydrated.  He's been through this twice in 10 months, the 2nd time I recognized the red eyelids right away.  If she has been drinking plenty of fluids and having wet diapers, you can take dehydration on the list!

  13. This has happened to my daughter (7 months now) on several occasions.   I told my pediatrician about it at an appointment and she wasn't concerned at all. More than likely the red eyes (in my baby) were associated with a little cold she may have had. I thought it was allergies though (and still kind of do), but my pediatrician said even if it was allergies from dust, for example, then it's okay -- babies need to build up a tolerance to particles like dust mites, etc. (according to my pediatrician).  

  14. Well it doesn't sound that bad. Consult her pediatrician right away. I hope she will be okay! Good Luck.

  15. We cannot really comment and advise properly across the Net. Best is for you to check with her Doc. or a nurse for any such matter.

    May not be anything serious. But always good to get the correct advise.  

  16. Red eyelids and puffing indicate an irritation, which could be allergy or reaction to something that they come in contact with.  Is there any other part of her body that looks irritated?  It probably isn't anything like pinkeye because that affects the eye and it would be significantly more than red eyelids.  Some of the options are allergies to something in the air (smoke, chemical cleaners, pet dander, fragrance air fresheners), reaction to soap you are using, she could have rubbed her eyes when there was something on her hands.  First things first, use a clean soft cloth and water and just wipe her face off - make sure you do not use anything that has any fragrance in it.  Watch her and see if she is rubbing her eyes.  If it doesn't get better by the end of the day,  call your doctor's office and get advice.  

    If she is sensitive, you would be wise to stop using any kind of strong cleaning chemicals, use only fragrance free laundry detergent and soaps.  

    Good luck - see link below for charts of eye problem symptoms for infants.  some of the descriptions make it sound a little scary but it is information.  

    Your best bet would be to talk to the doctor.

  17. she probbaly gonna die

  18. Mabye it's just her, but get a someone to look at it a doctor or mabey a smart friend. Because of how old she is, it will be very hard to tell. But if you think it's an allergy, try getting an allergy test or start changing her daily routine, like differnet foods or different toys. Hope this helps!

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