
My 6 month old cats are jumping on top of my china cabinet. Is there anything I can do to deter them?

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I have bought them balls with jingle bells inside and a cat pirate ship play thing...I have given them cardboard boxes to play in...They tear up my curtains, tablecloth and silk flowers...I have removed the throw rugs they were peeing on! ...I am scared to think of putting up a Christmas tree.. I need advice with real solutions to curb their rambunctious ways! And yes, my husband and I play with them when we are home. I thought having two would solve the boredom problem...




  1. If your cats destroy things with their claws you could  have them declawed.A lot of people are against having a cat declawed But I would say that in order to give a cat a good life inside a save home declawing can't be that bad. If your cats are peeing on your rugs then there could be a good reason for that as they may have a urinary tract infection B. they may not like the scented cat litter in their box (in can irritate them badly. C they may not like a dirty litter box cleaned it daily(cats are usually very clean animals) D. They may be spraying to mark their territory.You should check with your vet maybe spaying/neutering will help to eliminate that problem.If they are jumping on furniture try using a little spray water bottle...each time they hop on something give them a quick spray.Cats hate getting wet and they will get the message.

    Good luck and I hope I was a bit of a help!

  2. Spray them with water don't drench them but just enough to make them stop Cats do not like water so get yourself a bottle from the dollar store and fill it with some water keep it by the couch.  

  3. three possible solution have them neutered and second this sounds weird  but take them to a cat trainer they can discipline cats lastly when they misbehave spray them with a spray bottle filled with water

  4. Taxidermy.

  5. lol cats sound like mine, they jsut like to be very hyper! try getting them a scratching post though, with a ball on the end of a spring at the top. this detered my cats from messing up the couch and bed and curtains. every once in a while, i also sprinkled cat nip around the toy that way they would go to that to play other then the carpet or curtains

  6. put a dog on top of yur cabinet lol

  7. In many ways, they simply are being kittens.  If you put up a Christmas tree, no breakable ornaments, and consider tying the tree to a wall so it cannot tip over.  No tinsel.

    Cats like to be up high, hence the china cabinet.  Two kittens do solve the boredom problem, but they also can 'conspire' on havoc.

    A cat tree may provide climbing opportunities for them, and provide a diversion.  It also does get them higher than most furniture.

    There are a number of devices to stop them from being on the china cabinet.  I have provided a link to several types to consider.

  8. Kittens will be kittens, as I have 2 2 month olds, and it is difficult to say the least!  However, there are several things you can do, some of which others have mentioned.  One is to get them spayed/neutered if you haven't already.  At 6 months, they are more than ready.  In fact, you can get kittens spayed/neutered as early as 2 months now---and safely at that.  Getting them spayed/neutered will greatly curb their abundant energy.  If you've already done that, then I want to recommend some other items you can pick up that can help with keeping them off your china cabinet (and anyplace you don't want them).  One would be to get a spray bottle, fill it with water, and a little bit of white vinegar.  People mistakenly believe that cats don't like the water, but in fact, they don't care about the water.  Sure, it's a pain for them, but what they really don't like is the smell of the vinegar.  So, if you spray them, the smell of the vinegar will be a big turnoff, and while it may not work immediately, after they get sprayed a few times with vinegar tainted water, they should start getting the message.  Secondly, you can buy double sided sticky tape.  You can get it at Petsmart/Petco.  Put it anywhere you don't want them to be.  As soon as the kittens jump on the tape and feel the stickiness on their paws, they will get off right away, as cats do not like sticky substances.  Finally, there is a product out (you can also buy it at Petsmart/Petco) called Sssst.  It is a small canister that is filled with air.  It has a motion detector in it,so it only goes off when it senses motion.  When it senses motion, it will forcibly emit the air with a loud "sssst."  The combination of the air being expelled and the ssstt sound will scare the heck out of most cats. Pretty soon, they will avoid those areas, and eventually you can remove the can(s) because the kittens will no longer go there.  Remember that not all kittens/cats will respond the same to everything, so what works for one person, may not work for another.  But with 3 potential deterrents listed, plus spaying/neutering if you haven't already done so, one of these is bound to work.

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