
My 6 month old daughter is always making a chewing motion does anyone know why?

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she doesnt have any teeth yet




  1. Oddly enough, a baby with acid reflux will do that.  If you notice any of these other things with your little one, you might want to talk to your pediatrician or check out for more info  Although, at  6 mos, it's more likely teething, I thought I'd put that info out for anyone who has a younger infant doing this

    A quote from an article about Gastroesophogeal Reflux:

    "Deiss counsels parents to watch for certain symptoms that may indicate GERD, starting with a baby who seems to suffer constantly. "You can see them go through the motion of burping, then spit up and make a chewing motion." The child may squirm like it's swimming or arch that tiny back and begin to cry. A GERD baby may seem hungry and want to eat a lot -- or eventually refuse to eat."

    Signs of uncomplicated infant reflux:

        *  constant or sudden crying or colic like symptoms

        * irritability and pain

        * poor sleep habits typically with frequent waking

        * arching their necks and back during or after eating

        * spitting-up or vomiting

        * wet burp or frequent hiccups

        * frequent ear infections or sinus congestion

    Symptoms indicative of Reflux Disease or GERD:

        * refusing food or accepting only a few bites despite being hungry or the exact opposite requiring constant small meals or liquid

        * food/oral aversions

        * anemia

        * excessive drooling

        * running nose, sinus infections

        * swallowing problems, gagging, choking

        * chronic hoarse voice

        * frequent red, sore throat without infection present

        * apnea

        * chronic ear infections

        * respiratory problems—pneumonia, bronchitis, wheezing, asthma, night-time cough, aspiration

        * gagging themselves with their fingers or fist (sign of esophagitis)

        * poor weight gain, weight loss, failure to thrive

        * erosion of dental enamel

        * neck arching (Sandifer's Syndrome)

        * bad breath

  2. That sounds kind of like a hunger sign in younger babies.  Is your daughter getting enough to eat?  Maybe her appetite is increasing?

  3. It sounds like a teething reaction.

  4. Teething. haha mine does to wait until you hear some of the funny noises that come with those movements. i think my daughter is a weed wacker sometimes :) good luck

  5. teething  

  6. Could be teething, could be trying out a new function, or if she's not on solids and she's doing this while you eat..she could be ready to try solids. Our son did this from 4 months old...on....he's 11 months old and still does this when it's time to eat or teething.

  7. Has she started baby solids yet?  If not, she's more than likely telling you that she's ready.  She's also watching you eat and mimicking your chewing motions.

  8. The gums are itchy an irritable just before teeth come in. My daughter used to do that too. Get her a teether.  

  9. she is moving her muscles -she probably moves her arms and legs too!!

  10. She is teething!  They are coming soon....

  11. She's human and humans chew.  

  12. I'd say that she is teething! And the reason that she is doing that chewing motion is because she is "scratching" the place where the tooth is coming out.

  13. her teeth are coming in. give her teething toys (cold) or a cold wet washcloth to chew on.  she might start waking up in the middle of the night bec. of this too.

  14. I have a six month old too. Only he has four teeth! BUT He did that just before he got his teeth. So, expect some soon i say!

    : )

  15. She is probably teething, but watch it--she could be developing an ear infection--you'd know if she was--you won't miss that.  One of my many babies (laughing) did this as a way to relieve ear pressure--just a thought....another possibility is that she was a thumb sucker in utero--and may be simply sucking her tongue--one of my babies also did that--he stopped after only a few weeks....all in all--it's fairly common and could be for several reasons--as long as she is happy, it's probably nothing....

  16. Flavor stuck in her mouth.

    If she just ate, she can still taste the milk or cereal and she thinks she has it in her mouth.

    She could also be teething.  

  17. It sounds like she is either grinding her gums together because it feels good or the very tip of her first tooth is popping up and its a new experience for her

  18. Shes hungry

  19. Just a new discovery. . .

    Around that age, my kids did that too.  I remember watching my first daughter watch me eat something, then spend hours practicing the chewing motion.  

    Your daughter is getting ready for solid foods, and learning how to chew is part of the process.

  20. The first teeth might be starting to erupt.  Have a doctor check it, 6 months is a typical age for the first ones to show up.

  21. shes teething!!!  theyre comin soon... is she more fussy than usual?  baby orajel may help ease some of her discomfort.... people aren't always favoring the orajel because it numbs their gums, so they don't have the tendency to 'chew'... and the 'chewing' is what helps the teeth break through..

    baby tylenol also helps when they are in pain.  get a washcloth and wet just a part of it... freeze it, and then give it to your baby girl.  she can hold the soft part while chewing on the frozen part... it will feel amazing for her!!

    good luck mama!! :)  this is the beginning of a long 'teething' process! :)  

  22. Maybe she is beginning to teethe and the grinding motion helps them to break through. My daughter did that for about 3 weeks before I noticed her first tooth.

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