
My 6 month old daughter was really cranky this past weekend....?

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Loud noises startled her easily, She would just burst into tears for no reason. She has been biting me when she nurses and she's been really clingy. She has also just started waking up in the middle of the night crying. Could this be teething? What did you do for your baby to make them more comfortable?




  1. Ding ding ding! Teeeeeething!

    Babies get VERY emotional & sensitive around this time. Drooling is also something that increases..a decline in eating... Changes in sleep patterns are common too. Excessive sleeping AND hard time sleeping... both happen and are normal.

    Things you can do to help?

    * Get one of those water filled baby teether toys... stick it in the fridge.. not the freezer & give it to your infant. if it's too cold on their hands.. help them and hold it while they chew.. sometimes it helps to hold them and snuggle. the cold will feel good on their swollen gums especially if a tooth is quickly making its way to the surface..

    * Teething tablets are perfectly safe to use along with baby tylenol... double it up if your infant is having a SUPER hard time with the pain.

    * Baby oragel is a lifesaver for bedtime (and dinner time). they have a special night time formula that soothes gums for longer periods... it is amazing. Stick it on your finger and actually massage it into the gums.. look for an area in your childs mouth that is puffy and massage it into it. It numbs the area for eating (which is so painful) and night time.

    That's about it...

    My bedtime/naptime teething routine was as follows...(bedtime was HARD for our daughter...)

    Put a big fluffy in the dryer to warm it up...wrap her up in it... give her tylenol - snuggle for a while.. wait till it kicks in.

    Then apply the baby oragel & feed her..

    It seemed to work pretty well. She was so cranky... oy.

    Well hey good luck!!

  2. Welcome to the LOVELY world of teething.  I give my son infant tylenol when it's needed contact your doctor to see exactly how much to give.  Orajel on his gums when I think he needs it.  Teething rings, and he loves the rubber bath toys(the ones that fill up with water and you can squirt it out but I don't put water in it) and rubs his little gums on those.  Good Luck it's a hard time and lasts awhile but it will get better.

  3. shes now more alert of noises so that is the reason for her startling easily, but yes it sounds as though she is teething, biting and crying and unusual behavior that would make her cranky would be big reasons to think she is teething!!! you can give her some tyenol i believe she can have .8 on the syringe(ask the doc) and let her bite on things such as a clean finger, stick a clean wet washcloth in the freezer and let her bite on that once it is frozen, get her some teething rings and some orajel to rub on her gums. you could also give her a closed freezy for her to bite on. good luck to her normally once the first tooth has arrived the rest of them come pretty quickly!

  4. Sounds like teething to me. Try a frozen washcloth, or get some humphrys teething tablets. They worked wonders for my kids.

  5. aww , bless her heart .     she is teething :(

        there is alot of things to do .     put baby oraljel on her gums ,   let her chew on a wet rag ( but keep an eye on her )    at walmart in the baby section there are ice packs that are covered with cloth ,   buy one and put it in the freezer then let her suck on it ,    put a teether toy in the freezer and let her have it ,    or the best thing thay she will enjoy is to buy her one of those chewys at walmart , its has a handle and a netted sack on the end ,  put a piece of chilled melon in it and let her suck on it ,  there is no risk of choking either  

  6. could be teething, growing pains, muscle aches due to growing pains or gas, and the number one cause of my daughters crankiness at that age was ear infections which with the signs she showed made me think she was teething! If it is teething, dont even try orajel, it made my baby even more cranky b/c of the taste and it didnt last. Get teething tablets, the effect lasts longer. Let her chew on a hard teething ring and try the frozen teething rings. A wet washcloth is a good trick but beware of the cotton particles that can come off the cloth and get stuck in her mouth and irritate her even more. Infant Tylenol was my best trick to use, it is wonderful and is safe to use with gas drops, which is also a good med to use. I hope this helps! Also, try the huggies night time after bath soothing lotion, worked like a charm for my baby!

  7. My almost 9 month old has been doing the same thing And I totally believe its teeth just give her tylenol cold things to chew on and hope they break through the gums soon so they (we) can have some relief. Good Luck  

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