
My 6 month old kitten seem to always purr really loud, my mums cat doesnt always purr

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and if she does its very low but my kittens is so loud and can annoy me when I'm sleeping as she sleeps on my pillow :) lol are all cats different??




  1. Cats purr when they are in a happy mood or are very like they are very very happy so they purr a loud.

    If they purr so you shouldn't be annoyed .

    You can keep them in other room while you are slepping

  2. my cat purrs loudly she sounds like a pigeon

  3. Awwww that's dead cute haha

    i don't have a clue though



  4. The purr is caused by resonance in the throat (the hyoid bone over the larynx) and different cats purr at different volumes.  One of my cats had a very quiet purr, so quiet you could feel it rather than hear it.  Another has a purr I can heard from the other side of the room.

    Purring is an instinctive therapeutic behaviour, but some cats purr softly and others rattle away like engines.  Loudly purring cats in the wild would probably attract predators so possibly the purring volume is learnt even though the act of purring is instinctive.  

  5. Surprisingly, a cat has to learn to purr, and that's usually learned from its mother or other adult females.  

    I had two cats for a time.  One was an Abyssinian cat who was raised with lots of other cats until age 12 weeks, and who then came to live with me.  The other was a Siamese cat who was abandoned by the mother, and who I rescued (and bottle fed..!!) at age four weeks.  The Abby (who I still have) purred like there was no tomorrow - you can still hear him across the room even at age 17.  The Siamese cat took a couple of years to learn to purr, and there's no question in my mind that he learned it from my Abby!  They're all different, just like people - individual to the core :-)

  6. All cats have different 'voices' and their purring is part of that. Some do have annoyingly loud and others very quiet purring (can only tell by feeling their vibration that they are purring at all). Purrs do age and can be become more crackled when they get very old.

    My cat used to sleep on top of my head on the pillow. The purring didn't get me but the stiff neck as I gradually conceded the pillow to her did. By repeatedly moving the cat to a better location (your feet or your side) the cat will relinquish the pillow which will at least distance the purring from your ears.

    Cats will also purr (usually loudly) when they are afraid or anxious. I had one cat who used to do that for vet visits and it was quite freaky. Purring is a method of self-soothing and he was trying to comfort himself. I am sure your kitten does not have that issue while sleeping on your pillow.

  7. Your cat must be REALLY happy then ;)

    (although it's not hygenice to let it sleep on your pillow let alone worrying about disturbed sleep).

  8. kittens purr loud its just a kitten

  9. I have two kittens and one of them purrs like a traina dn the other one only does once in a blue moon. It's really annoying I know when you're trying to sleep but it's their way of showing affection. It does quieten down though as they get older. I think when they are really young they can't control it either!

  10. your cat should not sleep on you pillow!

    i heared a story wear a woman let her cats sleep in the same room as her and she died in the night cause she had cat hair in her  

  11. cats purr when their happy and content...let it purr...if it annoys you give it away to someone that likes kitten purrs and get a fish tank....

  12. Oh yes all cats are different! and try not to let it get to you. sounds like your cat is IN LURVE with you!!!! my cat doesn't meow nothing comes out! but if he's outside the door he can belt out a loud one and then there's the quiet times laying next to me and the PURR not just a purr, a PURR. it's just LOVE

  13. That's normal. All cats are different. Also your kitten is young and therefore gets more excited about things. I'm sure when she's a bit older she'll quieten down a bit : )

  14. Awwwwww that's so cute! Most kittens have really loud purrs. It fades when they get bigger so enjoy it while you can. It doesn't mean your mum's cat isn't happy or there's something wrong with it, adult cats just have quiter purrs than kittens.

  15. lol, i have a kitten and she purrs loud aswell. yes all cats are different because i have 2 cats and the older one doesn't play as much but the kitten does, the kitten is just very happy when it purrs.  

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