
My 6 months old male kitten keeps trying to run away outside!?

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ok i tried walking him on a leash because i wanted to walk my cat like a dog. he used to walk but only when i unleash him and walk away from him and he'd follow me because hes worried id leave him. but now that hes grown up and he knows what "freedom" is like, he runs outside whenever someone opens the door. but we'd always catch him and bring him back inside. now he knows that once he goes outside we'll bring him back so he runs like crazy and hides in bushes! it was hard to bring him back in but now he just cries all day wanting to go outside. so i only let him go outside when i put him on the leash. i want him to know that he is not allowed to go outside unless I, the owner, let him with a leash on. I also have to get him neutered since he is almost 6 months old i hope he doesn't start spraying around the house before i can get him neutered! what should I do? he keeps crying really loud all day and i feel really bad =( he makes all these cute sounds! but when i let him go outside he just runs away like he doesnt like me! =( please help!




  1. He runs away from you because he wants to be outside. You'd want to too if you were cooped up all day long.  Maybe get him microchipped and collared so you can feel safer about letting him out.  Trust him more.  He knows where his food is.  

  2. it seems to me that you are a good owner.. i think your cat is a little bored.. why don't you spend more time with him and maybe even get him a friend? my cat was like that and she was the only cat i had i lost her and i still fell sad although that was 2 years ago.plz take good care of your cat..

  3. if you have a large yard, get a shock color and every time he goes to far from the house, give him a jolt an the lowest setting. then eventually he will learn his boundaries.  

  4. get him fixed ASAP. Then as much as you don't like it keep him in the house at all times. get a squirt gun and spray him every time he goes by the door to make a break for it. Cats get feluke and all kinds of other things from getting out and roaming. Ant vet will tell you to keep the cat indoors for it own protection. If you want to walk something on a leash get a dog.  

  5. he will come back in the house cats usally do that cause they need to p**p

  6. maybe if you find like cat treats and he likes them then give him one every time he stays in the house. my friend has a cat that's almost a year now and sometimes she takes her cat outside and lets her sit on her lap and she pets her. also if you get him toys and play with him maybe he'll sleep more often

  7. im sorry. thats a sad story. he should appreciate that you even let him outside. my friends cats have stayed in the house all their lives. but anyway, you should put a little gate in front of the door so he cant run out. but people can still just put their leg over it and come in. good luck :)

    please help with mine:

  8. First, get him neutered.  That will help settle him down and will prevent him from spraying.  You really need to get that done now.

    Once, he's home and glaring at you from a top the TV (forever), then you build a couple of scratching posts (see links).  The posts will help keep your boy from scratching your furniture.

    My preference is if I let my kitties outside, it's in an enclosed yard.    However, if you really want, secure a harness on your boy and start your excursions.  He will probably fall over "writhing" in pain over the object you, you put on him.  This attitude could last a few days or forever.  Since your boy is a kitten, I share this advice.  He will outlive any patience you have.  When he's indoors you can put a child gate up so he won't take off outside.  

    Good Luck!

  9. c4 it...

  10. Well, he feels trapped and I am not surprised. He's not a dog and he'll never be. You don't take a cat on a lead.

    I leave the window open so my cats come and go as they please, they'll come back for the food not for me and that's how cats are love or hate them.

    Male cats are the ones that die early as they just have to go be friendly to everyone including dogs.

  11. Okay,

    Um i think you shouldln't let him outside at all. I mean its either he is a house cat or an outdoor cat. Cats aren't like dogs. Its either he is aloud to go outside or he doesn't go outside at all. When you give him freedom, and independance, he expects things all the time. So when you say no, its like a child and he has a tantrum.

    I dunno if this helps, but you have to choose between staying outside, or just inside.

  12. usually, when a cat is neutered, they calm down a bit.  u should  get him fixed asap if u r worried about him spraying!!  my cat used 2 all ways try 2 get out, but when we got him fixed he calmed down ALOT!! hope that your cat learns 2 stay put!!

  13. It's probably because he's not neutered.  Once he gets neutered he'll be fine.

  14. Get him neutered asap.  Much of this may go away once he's fixed.  If you allow him to mature, he will spray.  We brought in a mature male cat, had him fixed and he still sprays because we have lot's of unfixed females running around outside....they are strays.  Don't feel bad due to the crying.  It's probably because female cats are around and in heat.  Like I said...fix him soon!

  15. He's just curious about his new environment. Don't worry.  Just keep doing what your doing and maybe he'll be a little more cooperative.

    Also, cats aren't dogs, they are independent so they won't follow you as much as you may hope for.

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