
My 6 onth olds leg was throug t the slats of his crib under the bumper is this normal, how can i sovle this??

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he wasn't crying or anything,it just seems dangerous, and i think i need a sturdier bumper but bi have always read bumpers are not really great for other reasons and was thinking of taking it out.




  1. I have the same problem, my son has skinny little legs and they are always getting caught. These are perfect though, just make sure they are in the right spot when you put him to bed (they tend to slid down) and they are breathable!!!

  2. Bumpers are actually dangerous.  I just found this out recently.  You should get some webbing/netting that works better and fits over the slates so his leg/arm can't get through.

  3. Okay, if your child can roll over, he is fine with a bumper. There is a slight risk of suffocation if your child isn't too mobile and would slide between the bumper and the matress, however, with standard crib sizes they are just as safe as a million other things, or moreso, like co-sleeping.

    He will be bumping his head and getting stuck even more if you remove the bumpers now. Try weaving the bumper behind one slat on each side and tying firmly. Also, make sure the strings or ties aren't longer than you need, or cut them if they are. Also, you should have the bumper about an inch under the edge of the matress. This, combined with the weaving, keeps the bumper tight and stops the legs sticking out. Of course, it still happens occasionally, but it helps.

    Good luck!  

  4. Bumpers are not as safe as once thought. A baby can get stuck under the strings and get very seriously injured. My children's pediatrician says not to use them. Regardless with any movement the child may get his leg caught occasionally. My son does once in a while.

  5. If he is able to get his foot underneath the bumper then it is time to take it out, because he is starting to move and you don't want him to get his face stuck underneath of it.   I wouldn't suggest putting anything in its place because he could also get his head stuck under that.  Instead just keep an eye on him which I am sure you already do and if you see his leg between the bars or he is about to just move him.  This would be the safest thing to do.

  6. I have been experiencing the same thing with my daughter. I took her bumpers off last week and haven't had quite has bad of a problem with her sticking her legs through, she used to try putting her legs/feet up on the bumpers so I guess she's not doing that anymore. Now occassionally her foot or leg goes through but I haven't had quite as many problems since taking the bumpers off.

    Hope this helped

    TOni Lynne

  7. my daughter did this once, she was about 8 months old. her leg went through fine, but becuase it cut the cerculation off, her leg swelled and she was stuck. screaming and everything, we almost broke the slats in order for her leg to get out.

    bumper pads may not help at all, my daughter found a way to get under it all the time. What i did was have to take a blanket and tightly weave it in and out of the slats and under the mattress so she wasnt able to stick her feet through.

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