
My 6 week old baby is being tested for cystic fibrosis. She also has colic, any ideas to help with the colic?

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Did'nt have her first bowel movement till 39hours, then would only have movements when given a glycerine supp, as ordered by her doctor. The bm was still rock hard, so her formula was changed to Nutramigen, as there is a family history of milk allergy(my son and all the cousins on my side). The doc has sent her for testing at Sick Kids for Cystic Fibrosis, which is very scary.

Since about 3 weeks or so, she has been screaming her head off for long periods, nothing settles her.




  1. Boil fresh bay leaves in water. Fill her bottle up and add 1/4 teaspoon of sugar. Wait until it is room temperature and then give it to her. Mylicon drops work sometimes, but the bay leaf water is an old wives remedy and I used it with my daughter. Its like you drinking a nice cup of tea and relaxing into sleep. And its natural. The sugar helps sweeten the water, but also might make your baby p**p, so be prepared. A lot of babies that have colic suffer from gas, so laying the baby across your lap and slightly tapping your feet will cause a little enough vibration on the babies belly to help relieve or release any gas.

  2. Let me first say that I'll hope and pray that your daughter does not have cystic fibrosis.  As far as colic goes it just has to run its course but is usually gone between 3-6 months.  There are, however some things that can help comfort her.  

    -  Feed your baby in an upright position.

    -  Burp your baby often.

    -  If you are breastfeeding, don't eat spicy foods, citrus fruits or caffeine.

    -  Rock your baby in a rocking chair or cradle.

    -  Put your baby in a wind-up swing (make sure your baby can support his or her head).

    -  Give your baby a warm bath.

    -  Give your baby a pacifier.

    -  Gently rub your baby's stomach.

    -  Wrap or swaddle your baby in a soft blanket.

    -  Put your baby in a stroller and go for a walk.

    -  Go for a drive with your baby in the car seat.

    Some people would suggest changing her formula if your daughter is on formula, however I would not change the formula without consulting your doctor.  I hope all goes well for you.  

  3. My 4 month old just got over her colic a month ago.  She was fine the first few weeks after birth and then she just started the crying fits.  After countless hours of searching the internet for answers we made a list of things to try.  Here is our solution that worked WONDERS for our daughter.

    Hyland's colic tablets (given as directed on bottle)

    Mother's Bliss Gripe water (given every 4 hours)

    Dr. Browns bottles (greatly reduced the amount of gas she had)

    Mylicon gas drops (at each feeding)

    We used one of those special mini medicine baby bottles and would dissolve the colic tablets in an ounce of nursery water or either the gripe water.

    We also spent a lot of time outside with her; it also seemed to help calm her down.  It was a lot of work, but it was absolutely worth it to give her some relief. When she gave us her first smile at just 2 months old it was more gratification than we could have ever imagined.  Good luck with your little angel.

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