
My 6 week old puppy crys everynight at 2 am?

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he wakes up at 2am and crys and crys I'v had tryed everything too make him stop nothing seems too work....




  1. He could be hungry.  The mother would probably  be still feeding her puppies through the night at his age.   Just make sure he has his last meal about 1 hour  before you settle him down for the night and take him outside to relieve himself 15 minutes after he has eaten.  This will ensure he isn't hungry during the night and he will be more comfortable if he has 'gone potty' before he goes to bed.

    At 6 weeks old the puppy should be having 4 meals per day.  If you weigh him and look on the packet it will give you the amount he should be having for his age and weight.  Just divide this amount into 4 small meals.  He only has a very small stomach and therefore will only be able to eat small meals at any one given time.

    I always advise my new puppy owners to get a big soft cuddly toy and put it in the puppy's bed with him so that he has something warm to snuggle up to.  He is bound to be missing the warmth of his mother's body at night.  He is still very young.  Most puppies of this age are still with their mother and litter brothers and sisters.  Once you get him into a good routine of feeding and potty training I am sure he will start to settle for you.

    Good luck with him.

  2. my dog was the same.its just part of the growing up im afraid. just reasure the wee fella and put him back to his own bed{not yours nomatter how hard he crys}he will eventually stop but it takes time and patientsgood luck

  3. Six weeks is much too young for that pup to have been taken from it's mother.  

  4. It may be time for him to go potty.  A 6 wk. old puppy cannot go all night without going to potty and puppies will usually not potty in their own bed.

  5. This puppy is too young to be away from its mom. If you can't take the puppy back, you'll just have to deal with it. The puppy will need to go out every 2-3 hours. Take the puppy out to go potty and tire him out before putting him back in bed.

  6. He was too young to take away from his mother. Poor thing. Wrap an a clock that ticks loudly in a towel or blanket and put it next to him. He will think it's his mother's heart beating.

    You really should take him back and wait until he is 8 to 10 weeks old.  

  7. hes jst like a little baby he wants to be fed and cuddled with hes scared talk to him softly and treat him like a baby

  8. Take him out to pee.  

  9. Take him out to see does he want to go.Dont stimulate or play with him as he will learn that whining at night time gives him attetnion.Just be calm nd wait if he doesnt need to go take him inside,settle him and return to bed.  

  10. Have you tried taking him outside to potty?  

  11. Perhaps he has to go potty?

  12. if you just took him or her away from his or her mother he will miss hearing her heart beat at night so becomes lonely put a clock whereever he or she sleeps or bring him or her up in your room as the puppy might miss your company

  13. I live in canada too and by no means do I agree with your vet. Kittens and Puppies should leave their mums by 8-12 weeks...

    it is okay for them to be started weaning from their mum at about 6 weeks but they still need their litter mates for "support" so to speak. taking dogs away from mum at such a young age can be damaging to a puppy and can have long term bad attributes that come along with early separation.

    at 8 weeks puppy's goes through a "fright" stage, anything that scares them will stay with them for LIFE. habits form from early weaning that are less then desirable and I have seen this one too many times...

    my vet freaked when I brought a 6 week old abandoned puppy to her, she was disappointed that an irresponsible owner would do that to a dog, so young...

    although with careful care and a loving cat(lol), he has grown up. he has a few bad manners with other dogs, that he should have learned between the 6-8 week mark with his litter mates.

    anyways, damage is done, try a stuffed animal that is his size or bigger, try taking him out for a pee, or just let him cry... alarm clocks only work for some dogs, won't hurt to try though... good luck

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