
My 6 year old girl is going for a vcug next week, is it going to be awful for her?

by  |  earlier

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I am so worried that she will be humiliated and scarred, please give me an idea of how it was for you child, and you?




  1. What is a vcug?  I never heard of that before ... and I have a daughter.

  2. My daughter had one done last year. We did opt for the sedation because she has already had some not so fun test in that area due to bladder issues.

    It was hard for her, but once they placed it she was fine. They put a numbing cream on  the area first which burns a little, then they come back and place the tube. After that she was fine and very funny from  the partial sedation. Removing it did not hurt, but it hurt some to get the tape off the use to hold it in place.

    I was so scared for her and she was as well, though I told her I was not and it would be fine. All in all it went a lot better than I had anticipated. But we had it done at a Childrens Hospital and they were great. They gave her 3 prizes for being so good, one was a Wonder Woman figurine so it was all good in the end, she LOVES super heros LOL

  3. what?

    help me?;...

  4. what is vcug?

  5. She wont. My daughter went through the same thing. It is virtually painless, some or actually most patients arent even sedated through the process. The option is there for that though. If you cant calm down your daughter, that would probebly the best way to go, but besides that, she will be fine

  6. What is a vcug?

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