
My 6 year old has had a fever for 1!!?

by Guest356  |  earlier

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It started Friday(a week ago) 103.2 temp, came home from school, hardly any other symptoms, at one point she was coughing(more for attention i believe, sounded fake) she was out of school all week cuz i couldnt get the fever to stay away, it comes and goes, Tuesday we went to doctor, she had neg strep test and they did two, blood work at hospital revealed low blood platelets at 62, last time they were checked were 153. Doc said was fine, check again in 1 week. Now, she has a back molar coming in and I think it could be causing the fever, I know people say that teething wont cause fevers but I watched my daughter get a fever with almost every tooth cut when a baby...... What do you think? What should I do? She is crying to go back to school, I dont know if I should send her cuz she gets weak when her fevers spike and they spike at least once a day, right now it is 103.1??! I am totally stomped on what to do at this point, oh and she is on antibiotics since Wednesday, no change Help!?!




  1.  My brother has been feeling the same way for much longer. I am very stressed and concerned because my mom won't do anything about it. 

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