
My 6 year old has red pimply spots that some have a white head on & others are liquid filled blisters ?

by  |  earlier

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im unsure if this is chicken pox ? it started with a few lumps , one of which turned into a full liquid blister and now he has more red spots some have white heads in the centre and some are blisters , last count he had approx 10 to 12 spots over different parts of body , the worst one is on his genital area , i have an appointment for the doctors this afternoon but just wondered if anyone could help in the meantime . my other children havnt had chicken pox either




  1. It could very well be chicken pox. If it is, don't fret. Lots of oatmeal baths, calamine lotion and cornstarch powder. And, since your other children haven't had it, I must tell you that it could take up to 3 weeks from exposure in order for the other kid's break out. We dealt with chicken pox all last summer because of the delay between the girls' breakouts. I hope he feels better really soon.

  2. well ask your child if it itches also its better for your chuldren to gt it at in early age where tghey cant miss school.. its more dangerous if they get it when they are older...its also best if your other children get chiken pox so that they wont get it when school starts and they then miss alot of school work.. its best for them.. especially at in early age.. i hope this helps :D

    if it  does itch, tell you child not to scratch and touch other body parts for this can spread.. try to put gloves or soemthing on his hands to keep on spreading it

    he also can get scars from chiken pox , so make sure he doesnt scratch and put ointment on it to relieve the itch

  3. It sounds like chicken pox and it probably is--getting them in the genital areas is common.

  4. It sure does sound like the chicken pox.   Put some calamine lotion on it so he won't scratch it.  Your other ones will get it too within a week or two.  Good luck with it.  Keep them away from other kids till they are all gone.

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