
My 6 year old has started to soil her underwear almost daily. no constipation,large BM's?

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She claims she feels no sensation of the BM until it is too late.

Blames teacher for not allowing bathroom breaks. But she also does this at home.




  1. There are certain things a child could be consuming that make her bms slippery...we did this on purpose with my daughter when her constip was really bad.

    Either something is bothering her really badly, or she has a medical problem.

    Take her to the MD.

    TX Mom

  2. Has something changed recently in her life?  Any new people?  Something has triggered this.

  3. it coulg be Encopresis... my younger brother has a similar problem. i reccomend seeing your regular pediatrician though because it could be something else. good luck.

  4. Take your child to the Dr's.

  5. What exactly is your question?

  6. You need to sit down and talk to her and find out what is going on ask her the standard questions like has any one hurt you. I know parents don't like to think that there child is going thorough things like that but it is important to ask.I am not saying that any thing bad has happened it could be as simple as being called names but cover all the bases. Most important don't make her feel embarrassed it will only make things worse.

  7. dr.

  8. make an appointment with the pediatrician to rule out a medical cause.  have the teacher send your child to the bathroom each hour.

  9. I agree with the poster who said Encopresis.

    For the idiots who think this is "gross" this is a medical condition and no the child literally CAN NOT feel it coming out. There are many different things that cause Encopresis. Even if your child does not seem constipated she could still have this condition. If you take your child to the Dr they can get you in to see a GI specialist. Your child is not alone, my son has been dealing with this for 4 years. He currently takes meds everyday and is on a special diet.

    What to expect? Dr. will probably want to clean out your child...which means using enemas or flushing with laxatives. Once this is done your child will probably get put on a high fiber diet, usually about 17g a day. Next you will want to establish toilet time- a lot of it. She needs to sit on that toilet 3 times a day, 20 minutes at a time. Most kids who have this problem have no sense of the urge to p**p...they just don't feel it. For example, my son poops on demand...he can't ever feel the sensation to go, so if I don't tell him "hey you need to go to the bathroom" then he won't feel the urge to go and that is when accidents happen. As the child gets older, they will learn to go to the bathroom even though they don't feel an urge to go because it has become habit. You won't need to tell them to go anymore because they will learn to do it on their own. You will need to work with the teacher to make sure your child is allowed to sit on the toilet after lunch. I had to bring a note from the Dr.

    You are not a bad mom, and you didn't do anything to cause this. your child is not gross, bad, or lazy. Please do not let people tell you these things. I spent too long trying to figure out what I was doing wrong instead of getting help.

    Good luck! ps-google encopresis

  10. M stepson does that i took him to a pediatricion, and they checked over him and explained that sometimes when they are to scared to go to the toilet or they just cant be bothered (to scared being, like at night when its dark or a new house) they hold and hold and hold untill eventually they do loose the feeling in that area, and sometimes they do go to the toilet but they cannot feel that they have finished and accidently do some in there undies, and sometimes they just do it in there undies not even knowing, its rather common especially in kids that have just moved house, and are to scared to go to the toilet in the middle of the night, you need to get her to sit on the toilet 3 times a day for 5 minutes each time, she doesnt have to do a poo she just needs to sit, its relaxs her bowels and teaches them to tell her when she needs to go again, theres also a medicine you can get from the chemist i cannot remember the name but its suppose to taste like chocolate and its ment to eventually bring feeling back, also if you tell her that if she goes 3 times a day for 5 minutes everyday then say at the end of the month you will buy her a new toy, that gives them great incentive!! good luck i hope ive helped!

  11. That's gross.

  12. you have to see your child's doctor about this not ask people on yahoo answers. call them first thing and let them know the issue at hand and they will give you suggestions on what to do to help your daughter break out of this habit. best of luck!

  13. Take her to the docs to see if maybe she has a medical problem.  It probably happens more frequently at school because of the problems with breaks and at home sometimes because she may not be able to feel the sensation that she is going.

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