
My 6 year old is a total Mama's boy and wouldn't dream of hurting anyone.?

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I continually tell him that is is NEVER ok for ANYONE to hurt him and that if someone hits him or bites him he needs to hit back. I'm I know the school completely disagrees with me. . but I want my son to protect himself at all times. I just try to make sure my son understands that it's ok and he won't be in trouble with me for defending him self. . . but if he were to start a fight or be mean to another child first that would be another story. I think that most of us feel this way. However what if that person that is hitting him is 7 years older then him and tell him that if he tell's anybody he will hurt him worse??? What if the older kid ZAC beat's his face in and he still has a hard time telling? What do we do as parents? You should discuss your concer with whoever is the care provider and then make sure you are as affectionate as possible to your child without being overbearing. Right well what if that dose not work.




  1. If something like that is happening you need to call the police!

  2. same thing happened to my brother in law....teachers werent listening, principal wasnt listening, so i told my mother in law to call the police. when he came home with bruses and what not to call them, even with threats! it was so bad it effected his school work! then the bully was being picked on and told the kid that was bulling him that my brother in laws big brother has a gun and will shoot him! but the cops were quick to come to our house! ugh! stuff like that really infuriates me. good luck!

  3. Oh my gosh! I would open a can of ******** on Zac!! Ok, no I realize that isn't the answer. I don't know what you should do. I would definitely talk to your son calmly and explain that even though it might be scary to tell someone (especially when being threatened) that he must tell you so that you can take care of it. I would contact the police and press charges, and get a restraining order. I would then connect with the parents and make sure they know that their son is never allowed around your son again. If the incident happened at school, I would make involve the principal and school board to get Zac switched to a different school. If it happened in your neighborhood I wouldn't allow your son to go anywhere near where it occurred. I also would notify the other parents in the neighborhood. If he can do this to your son, he can do to their children too. Press charges to the full extent the law will allow you. Good luck.

  4. This is not just playground squabbles, this is ASSULT! Explain to your child that this is not right and that this child cannot hurt him worse for telling you, but that he will end up getting in so much trouble, he cannot possibly come after him again.

    I also wouldn't encourage him to hit back, that is just going to escalate the situation. I would encourage him to call for help or run as fast as he can away from what is going on.

  5. If this is happening at school it will do no good to report it to the school. Schools do not disclipline or do anything to the bad kids, this is why there is so much bullying, fighting and killing in schools.

    The reason all this happens is becuase of the NCLB law. This law mandates that schools will get MORE MONEY for the less disclipline reports they have.

    SO, since schools want that money, they will NOT do anything to the kids who are bad and they won't have any written disclipline reports to prove it.

    We as taxpayers are paying these stupid peoples paycheck to hurt and kill our own children with our own money!!

    SO, you will have to go to the police.

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