Couple of months ago, my 6 year old choked on a lifesaver at home and I had to do the heimlich twice to get it out. This freaked her out (which I don't blame her cause it freaked me out too). So she has been extra cautious eating so the other day, she "choked" on a peice of bacon (which I think was due to her taking a too big of a bite because she coughed it up and she was fine seconds later). Now she is completely petrified of eating. She states she is hungry but when it comes to actually putting it in to her mouth she starts hyperventilating and panicing. I have tried to give her her favorite foods, even tried baby food but she is so scared to eat. My husband has tried forcing her and she just pockets it in her mouth and cries. He has come to the point of yelling at her but this is not helping the sit. Can she be suffering from ptsd? (post-traumatic stess disorder) When asked why she won't eat she says she's scared to die. Is this a normal fear for a 6 yr old to worry about?