
My 6 year old just lost her first tooth, how much is the tooth fairy giving these days?

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My 6 year old just lost her first tooth, how much is the tooth fairy giving these days?




  1. I'm old fashioned, but I stuck with a dollar.  Although, my son (7) collects quarters and he was mad he didn't get a quarter, so I exchanged the bill for coins and he was happy.  LOL That is until he found out that some kids at his school were getting up to $10.00 a tooth.  I told him that the tooth fairy only has $1.00 bills, so that was impossible.  hee heee

  2. £1 per tooth they say!

  3. I gave my daughter $1.00 for her first tooth. The toothfairy's parents gave her $1.00 too. so She got $2.00 for her first tooth and $1.00 for the second one and some ice cream. The price on teeth has gone up since I was a kid.

  4. $27.50 and a cell phone.


    LOL...I don't know...she's six,  a shiny gold dollar coin would probably be pretty impressive.

  5. ~ I think a shiney silver dollar is just right from the tooth fairy,,,,your daughter will remember the shiney silver dollar,,,infact she may not want to spend it.....

    a paper dollar is ok,,but not " special "   I still say,,,, A shiney silver dollar............

  6. I always got a dollar... i think that shouldn't change... :/

    Or if she''s really good 5 or 5 for the big teeth!

  7. $5.00 for the 1st tooth ..come on it's the first tooth..after that $1 or $2 depending on how difficult it was to remove

  8. we always grap what ever money we have in the wallets  (around 2 bucks) and a dollar toy. i got 10 bucks for my two front teeth wehn they came out together though.

  9. I just put a gold George Washington dollar under my daughter's pillow. I went to the bank looking for a Sacajawea dollar, but they didn't have any so the teller offered this idea. She thought it was very special.

    She also would have thought a shiny penny was special though.

    I used to get a quarter.

  10. I would give whatever you feel appropriate.  I doubt your child will care about how much money he or she receives but will care more that the tooth fairy came while they were sleeping, took the tooth and left something.

  11. (Laughs at SillyGirl's response.)

    Around a dollar or two.

    That's nearly a million to a 6 year-old. :]


    Another idea, you could give her a quarter for each year of age. Like, this time she would get $1.25, then if she loses one next year it would be $1.50...

    (Nevermind, bad idea.) :D

  12. $1 in our house

  13. for my first tooth it was $1 and then for every tooth after that it was 50 cents.

    i thought that this was nice. it kinda makes your first tooth special.

  14. 2 dollars in quarters thats what I always got. I would put my tooth in a glass of water on the dining room table, go to bed, and when I go up the next morning there would be no tooth, but a stack of 8 quarters in the glass.

  15. One or two bucks.

  16. i give my daughter a dollar for each tooth.....but for her first tooth i gave her a dollar and i went and found a tooth fairy printable book that gave a little history of the tooth fairy and a cute little tooth poem and such that was age appropriate  she loved it:)

  17. It depends on you. I still give my kids $1.99 - $4.99 small toys instead of money. But before the toys came in, I would give the smallest amount which is $0.25, at least with each tooth coming loose, (3 kids), the quarter can go, up to $5.00.. She's only 6 years old, so, I guess $1.00 should be fine..

  18. $5.OO

  19. $1-$5

  20. The tooth fairy in my district gives a gift for the first tooth, and then $1 for all other teeth and has hinted that there might be more (up to $5) for molars.

    In our case, the gift was a $5 Polly Pocket rollup mat to use with the dolls.

  21. I give my son like 5 bucks,but make sure that it's in 1 dollor bills or change because they really don't under stand what money is worth and they think they got alot if it's in 1 dollor bills or change.

  22. the pay deal our family uses is $2 for a bottom tooth and $1 for a top tooth. It's tougher to loose the lower ones and they hurt more, so they are worth more.

  23. $2 dollars for the first one, the last one, and first molar

    $1 for everything else

  24. I always got $1.00. Now, the tooth fairy leaves $5.00 a tooth! I told my daughter I'm going to start pulling mine out, too! lol

  25. I give a lot.

    $5 for her first tooth. $1 or $2 for each tooth after that.

    Mine just lost another one today and she'll get $5 for it, because it was her special tooth.

    She's a great kid, though, so I can't complain.

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