
My 6 year old sister needs discipline what can i do?

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She's very mean to me. I'm about to be 14 and she thinks she is the same size as me. If I ask her to do something (its always politely) she says no i dont want to do that. If I tell her to stop, she CONTINUES to do it despite my order especially in public. If I pinch her, she runs and tell mommy that I pinched her without saying what she did.She always hit me and thinks it is okay. Once she said, I don't have to listen to you. You are not the parent."

What can I do?!? Everyone thinks I am a bad sister because I don't play with my sister often. But she's mean




  1. First, you don't pinch her. That's mean. You are only teaching her that siblings can be mean to each other.

    I can sympathize with having a much younger sibling because my brother is 7 years younger than I am and I had to watch him a lot. He was spoiled also. That tends to happen with the youngest, especially when there is a big difference in ages.

    Tell her you will do things with her when she behaves but that the minute she acts up and won't stop, you are done. You will go do something you want to do. When she decides to act up, then go do something else.

    When you are responsible for her, then you can tell her you aren't her parent but your parents put you in charge so she does have to listen. When you aren't watching her, take her to your mom and tell her to tell Mom what she did. Let your mom do her job.

  2. She is right you are not the parent so you should talk with your mom in a serious way and explain what she's doing and that it wouldnt be ok for your sister to do that to strangers so its not ok for her to do that to you. its your moms responsibility to discipline not yours

  3. first when she's disrepectful to you, tell your mom. if you're mom doesn't do anything about it, tell her that if lil sis doesn't stop, she's gonna get it from you. that way when you pinch her and she runts to tell mom, mom already knows why and cant say nothin  

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