
My 6 year old son got invited to a sleepover, isn't he too young, also he still wears pullups at night

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Can I let him go?




  1. you should talk to the parents that are going to be supervising the sleepover first, and let them know about the pullups and make sure that hes in good hands, so that way you won't have to worry about anything.

  2. i think that you should allow him to go, just talk to th e parents first .. and you could call them to make sure he is alright .. and don't worry about the pull ups thing .. i went to a sleepover when i was a kid still wearing pullups and no one found out -- just don't tell anyone .. just pack some in a bag and have him put it on before he goes to sleep

  3. try Goodnights instead they are a little more mature  and yes let him go he needs the social interaction and he needs to have fun

  4. I would never know who will be in that house and what background they have....I would never let my kids spend the night at someones house, other than a realitive

  5. Yes. You can. You can get UnderJams. here's a link.

  6. if its his first sleepover and he is very excited you shouldn't keep him home.

    and the pull-ups shouldnt be a problem if he just doesn't change in front of the other boys.

  7. Wow, thats a really young age to start going to sleepovers.  It seems ok to reject the idea if you are not comfortable with it.  

    Questions you might want to ask yourself is how well do you know the parents of the host?  Since they are only 6, the parents of your son's friend will be the ultimate guardians of your child.  I dont have kids myself but I personally would not think its a good idea if you completely don't know the other parents. There are some whackos out there and even regular couples can be the type of guys that like to take pictures of nude children.  At a ripe age of 6, your son does not know the difference between right or wrong.

  8. no..i think he's too young

  9. He's only 6.  Usually, I would consider letting him go to a sleepover with a very close friend, but the pull ups are a problem.  

    Honestly, he's just too young and he probably won't even have fun.

  10. Have they had any play dates first?  How well do you know the parents?  I'm a bit overprotective of my son, so if I didn't really know the parents and the kids haven't played much after school, I would probably say no and suggest having a play date instead or having the sleepover at your house (which would also solve the pull up problem).

  11. yes, he can go, just make sure you talk to the parents first and let them kno about his pullups situation. and also ask what they will be doing and make sure he will be supervised properly.

  12. i think 6 is a bit young to go to a sleep over i know my 6 year old would be crying and wanting home by midnight  

  13. I don't think 6 is too young at all.  Sleepovers usually start in Kindergarten

  14. He shouldn't be wearing pull ups at 6.I was out of diapers before I was 2.

  15. Personally i wouldnt let my daughter go at 6. Iam quiete protective over her anyways and 6 still seems like a baby to me. Its hard letting your kids grow up and go off and do their own things but at 6 years old!! I wouldnt, maybe to make him feel better about it if he gets upset you could get a movie in that he likes and some ice cream or something and enjoy some time together. x x  

  16. He shouldnt be at orgies yet.

  17. way too young!

  18. Not in pullups!!  Let him go the party, then pick him up before they go to sleep.  That is what I'd do.

    I got my child out of pullups by waking her up right before I went to bed, and having her go to the bathroom.  Then she made it through the night.  And gradually I was able to stop doing that.  She was about 6, too.  Also, limit fluids a few hours before bedtime.

  19. if its a gd frend of his hes niot too young but uit hink the problme is the pull ups. you could tell the persons mum so she could change him  so the other kids now if hes not embarrased. or just give hima bag to put it in to bring home so nobody nows and he could cover it up with pyjamas and boxer shorts! ????

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